Bleeding after ERPC - worried :(


Well-Known Member
May 12, 2011
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I had an ERPC 15th June.
To begin with the bleeding wasn't too bad but then it got worse with discharge (sorry, thats gross and tmi) and lots of stomach pains.
I saw my GP who prescribed anti-biotics. That was last tuesday.
The bleeding and pain seemed to stop almost instantly until this afternoon when the bleeding started again. Its not really heavy but its enough to make me think maybe its my period, but it can't be can it?
Is this normal?
I'm sure its not a period. It would be too soon wouldn't it?
I just want my body to get back to normal and the bleeding to stop :(
I know lots of you have also been through this and am hoping you have some words of advice.
I wouldnt be sure it was a period but it might be. I had bleeding again after a week then a couple of other random times. Its our bodies trying to get back to normal. The 'official' stance Ive read is that you must wait till you have had 2 weeks of not bleeding at all before you can count anything as period.

To be honest my advice is that your cycle will most likely take a while to repair itself. You may have a bit of bleeding or none for a bit. On the other hand you may be straight back to it and it is your period. Unfortunately you will need to wait a bit to find out!
I bled continually for 24 days after my operation which was mostly brown blood but on the 26th day I started to bleed again, quite heavily. Doctor said that if the blood was bright Red (which it was) then this was my period. My period stopped after 5 days which was normal indicating that my cycle was getting back to normal.

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