Bleeding advice


Well-Known Member
Nov 15, 2006
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Hi all. Im 18 weeks with my second and i have been having a slight bleed since yesterday morning. Spoke to doc yesterday who said to rest. This morning after walking to midwife found she was not there today ( even though i had rang to ask if it was ok to go down!!!) Got an appointment to see doc later. Just wondered if any one else had experienced bleeding this far in. Im a little scared although DH has tried to reasure me. Have had no pain but blood was bright red. didnt have anything like this with my first.
Hi Farls,

Sorry to hear about your bleed. :pray: I hope you can get to see someone this afternoon and they put your mind to rest.

Please do let us know how you get on. Big hugs :hug:

i hope the doc can put your mind at rest. you must be really worried :hug:
my friend at work has a bleed at 19 weeks but her and her baby were ok, baby is now coming upto 1 year old. Hope its nothing to worry about :pray:
It could be a second sac that's just decided to come loose? I'm sure it's nothing to worry about though, I really hope the doctor can ease your mind. If you are really worried you know you can go to the local A&E department at the hospital, explain your pregnant and bleeding and can't get to see the doctor this afternoon....they are normally soooo helpful.

Hope everything is okay hun!! let s know how it goes :hug: . Im sure everythingis fine
hi, have been to docs and he did nothing to help me apart from put my name to hospital for an emergency scan.
he was not very pleased that i seem to have been ignored since yesterday. hopefull i will hear from hospital tomorrow. i will let you all know how it goes.
thanks for the :hug: they really do help :)
good luck hun, hope everythings ok
i had a slight bleed at 19 weeks and i went to the docs and they told me just to rest and were not that concerned, and they booked me in for a scan the following week, and everything was ok, they just said its one of those things.
good luck again hun

Good luck hun, i hope everything turns out ok. :hug:
Any news from Farls yet? Keeping it all crossed here :hug:
hi, sorry its taken so long to get back but i only got to the hospital this morning. please to say all is well with baby :D Nice strong heart beat which was a relief to hear i can tell you. Midwife at hosp was not very impressed that no one had bothered to lisen to heart before then. she was lovely and really helped me feel a lot better. she said if anything happens again to go straight to preg assessment unit rather than community midwife as they are sometimes unavailable. 4 days of worrying but im just glad eveything is ok. have a scan in 2 weeks so i'll get to see everything is ok for myself. thanks for all the support
hun im so pleased evertthing went well with LO.

you must be over the moon with releif :hug:

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