Had a total drama today and ended up spending the majority of the day in tears
I had decided to order tena lady lights with my Tesco shopping, which came today. The deliv driver stood at my front door and didn't offer to help me lift the items out of the crates - i'd specifically asked for the stuff to be deliv with bags but they obvs didn't bother. Anyway, after lifting loads of stuff into my hall I then had to pick it up and lift it all into the kitchen, doesn't sound like alot but bear in mind its a full trolleys worth of food and stuff. So...the f**king pads weren't there.....raggggiiiinnnnn, that and shaving foam.
So, i'd been arguing with OH before the shopping came, as he's now trying to convince me to use our daughters old buggy rather than buying a new one for baby, he wants to spend the money on next years holiday...grrrr so I totally took it out on him when the pads didn't turn up, i'd kinda been looking forward to getting them as i've been so uncomfortable.
So, after i'd went through the mortification of asking the deliv driver if he'd seen them, I then had to phone the store manager to ask for refund or re-delivery. I was mortified, so so embarrased. I went to bed and lay there crying for ages, OH came in and comforted me then went back to his computer. Hate having to wear these stupid things, feel like an old woman, and I ended up having to tell OH about my problem, so I had to tell 3 ppl about my "secret" in the space of an hour...grrrrrr sooo angry.
Anyway, the pads and shaving foam turned up at the back of 7, thank god. Feeling a million times better, but still feeling a bit grumpy about earlier. looool
Sorry for the rant ladies, thanks for listening