bit the bullet! have a scan tomorrow!!!!!! im back:)

Good luck Babydust, thinking of you today hun, Im sure all will be just fine :hug:
thanks everyone :hug:
the count down begins, need to start filling my bladder up in a hour :?
my insides are going like a washing machine :( i have been to the toilet 4 times today :(
I have been wondering where you are! Glad everything went well :cheer:

Not sure about the mm thing, but im sure someone else will be able to help. Just wanted to say "yay!" :hug:
when i went for my scan, the embryo measured 9.7mm and I was dated at 6 weeks 6 days (I thought I was 6+5).

I think the 12 week scan is much more accurate at dating (hence being called the dating scan).

As long as there's a heartbeat and there's something there, I'm sure all is fine :hug:
Yay! So glad it went well hun! :cheer: Im sure all embryos cant be exactly the same size at the same number of weeks? :shock: Im sure everything will be fine hun :hug:
thanks :hug:
i just cant help worry about the size now :wall: but my due date was worked out from text book ov and i know i didnt ov until week 3 of my cycle about cd 21, so maybe i am only 6 weeks and 5 days and not 7 weeks 5 days :think:
babydust said:
back from scan and everything was fine :cheer: seen heart beating away :D

so thats me for another week :roll:

the only thing that bothered me was she said it only measured 8 mm and said it looks like i am out by 5 or 6 days but i told her i actually didnt ov until week 3 of my cycle which could be why :think: i also just looked it up on google there and it says at start of week 7 it should be 4-5 mm and at end of week 7 it should be 10 -11 mm so i dont understand what she is saying, unless week seven is week six going into week seven :rotfl: i dont know what im saying :rotfl:

anyway if anyone could give me an idea how many weeks an 8mm fetus is?

Glad everything went well :hug:
Im so glad everything went well!!
Try not to worry to much!
Whether your 6 weeks or 7 weeks, you saw its little heartbeating!! :D:D:D
Oh I forgot to say!
At my scan I was around 6 weeks and babs was measuring 5mm!!
Claire what great news :D Dont worry too much about the size issue they can only go on averages and who wants to be average???? :wink:
Yay!!!!!!! :dance: You had a heartbeat, and thats the main thing!!
Dont worry I panicked earlier coz my scan pic didnt look like same date pics on the forum!! They looked more like babies,and mine still looks like a peanut!! (but it is floating upside down!! and pics not very god,so I feel better now lol) What are we like? :lol:

Congrats hunni!! :clap:

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