Got to go to hospital tomorrow morning :o( UPDATE PG 2 :O)

so happy for you hun :cheer: just rest now and all will be ok :hug: xx
I'm glad everything is ok :hug: :cheer: sometimes it takes a scare to make you realise just how much you want LO, it certainly did for me.

I hope the bleeding stops soon cos you deserve to just relax and enjoy this pregnancy, James is gonne be so cute when you start showing, i bet he'll be rubbing your belly feeling baby kick, omg i'm making myself broody, im leaving 1st tri now!!!!
:cheer: Glad eveythings ok - take it easy now - I hope the bleeding buggers off asap :hug:
Im pleased you are so happy after the scan. :rotfl: about your DH - blummin men!
Thanks guys!

Still got a smile on my face although I feel as sick as a dog and James has been a little sod all day long!

I just keep thinking of that l'il heartbeat and Im happy. :D

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