bit of reassurance needed i think


Well-Known Member
Dec 13, 2006
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dunno whats up with me, but i have been feeling a bit off for past few days...probably due to not been able to go to the toilet :roll: but today felt fine,apart from a little lightheaded.....the thing is, i cant stop thinking about something going wrong, especially as our first scan is next week, im petrified we will get there and they will tell us something is wrong or im not pregnant....i know its stupid and dunno why i am feeling like this, has anyone else gone through this or am i just mad?!? :?

also forgot to add that is your stomach supposed to be hard, i keep feeling mine all the time worrying because it isnt hard,well i dont think it is.!?? :(
Aww hun, it's only natural to worry especially with your history. I am sure everything will be fine with your scan and you will see little one waving at you. I went through the same thing with my first. First tri is horrible because we can't use a doppler or feel kicks etc.

Also, your tummy doesn't go hard for a while yet. Mine is still like jelly. I think it is around 17 weeks???

Sending you lots of :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
thanks Lynsey - glad you set me straight about the hard stomach - think im getting an obsession over feeling it lol :lol:

im probably worrying over nothing,i think its the fact that this will be the first time we see Bean and it'll be more real, if you know what i mean.

silly ol' me :roll: :rotfl:
you're not silly hun :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

Why do we have to wait until 12 weeks for our's aggeeessssss!
tell me about it, i thought the 15th would never arrive....but its only a week tomorrow and im getting well as nervous now!!!

whens yours? :D
hey hun i know how your feeling chick, i went through the motions too, all the what if's and how's.

The only thing i can suggest is to maybe focus on something else like a hobby for the week and you'll soon be on the 15th!

as for your belly/bump being hard it doesn't start to get hard until you reach 16/17/18 weeks chick so dont worry it will happen soon.

Good luck for your scan too chick i have mine on the 21st so im wishing the days away too!
it's more likely than not that there is nothing wrong and you have a perfect baby inside there :)
I was exactly the same at each of the three scans, I think when you have lost you can;t help worrying..

As for the hard belly, I think mine didn't go hard until almost 20 weeks... and I wouldn't say that it's really hard normally now that i have had some BH and know what a hard belly feels like !!!! :shock: :shock: :shock:

Awwww :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
It is completely normal to feel like you do honey. I was exactly the same. It is difficult not too, especially when you've lost a baby before. :hug:

As others have said, don't worry about the tummy either. Mine wasn't hard either until 20 weeks +.

Good luck for next week, I have everything crossed for you, but I know you are going to have lovely news! :hug: :hug: :hug:
I've been feeling the exact same, it's only natural. I am trying not to stress about it too much, not good for either me or baby!

You'll feel much better after your scan X
You and bean will be fine babe, i have lost all symtoms..

and i am very lucky and picked up H/B on dopler 2days ago.. at only 9weeks 4days..

But without that, i'd never has guessed eveythin was fine.. so u will be too xxxx
Hiya.. Im exactly the same. In my head i know i shouldnt worry cos it makes things worse but its so hard not to. I know whatever will be will be but doesnt make it any easier.

Good luck with the scan

Claire x
Just wanted to say that i still worry now..I haven't really had any symptons so to speak so get really worried all the time. I'm not sick, dont have sore boobs, dont have cravings anymore (Was mashed potato in Tri1), and i eat less now than i did before.
I have now got a doppler at the weekend so now i can hear baby whenever i get worried so this makes me alot happier.
Good luck with your scan, got my 20th at the end of the month and i'm still worried about that to!! :rotfl:

Trouble is we worry now, think we might be worrying even more when their born. God help us!!!
Hey, i felt exactly the same before my scan and i had feelings of them telling me something had happened to baby or i wasn't pregnant and that it had been a mistake. It's totally natural to worry and to be anxious but its best you try and take your mind of it some how (not easy i know).
Take care :hug:
thanks everyone,im feeling much better today, i think its because the sickness has worn off a heck of a lot and i was just worrying but unless i get cramping or bleeding im not going to worry!!! thanks girls!! :hug:

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