Bit of everything atm lol


Well-Known Member
Jan 23, 2008
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4-5dpo if I ov'd on Thursday..... But getting strong opks again this morning (and I normally only get good lines in the evenings......) Ov-ing twice? Risking twins?!? (Mum's Dad was a twin so not impossible :shock:) DTD again last night.

Really obvious dull achey crampy feeling all afternoon today.....

And I also seem to be coming down with a cold, my throat is killing me :(
Oh I hope this is your month hon. I get a sore throat before every period during winter. It's like mother nature teasing me but if you're DTD every chance you get I think you have a brilliant chance. Good luck and can't wait to see your BFP xxx
Good luck Lander :good:


I hope you're feeling better soon xx
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I was testing positive from about 5dpo on OPK's and turns out im pregnant :) fingers crossed its the same for you xx
I actually can't remember the last time I had a cold......

Feel pretty rough today, odd twinges again today.

Still strong opks :shock:
Oh, (TMI) really niffy pops................. Much more wind than normal!

Still quite reasonable opks (???)
Still twinges
Still have something like a cold, but without a blocked nose, sniffly though.

And, wait for it, I seem to have developed thrush :(

If I'm not pregnant this is one crappy 2ww!!!
At 5dpo I had a sniffy nose, sore throat and lots of a positive 15dpo....soooooo fingers crossed x
Sounds very promising, are your opk's still dark? yours sound exactly like mine, i put pics of mine in the opk testing gallery, they were dark when i ovulated, the next day they went faint again then from either 4dpo or 5dpo (cant remember what day exactly) they went dark again and stayed dark.
I have my fingers crossed for you hun xxx
Faint pink in the cm/thrush (tmi sorry!) this morning....

And the cleaning stuff in the toilets at work seems to stink again, like last time! :shock:

Feel worse than ever with this cold lol

I keep getting odd twinges down there.

Today I have kept feeling like I'm either so hungry I feel sick or so full I feel sick.... keep having random hiccups and burping all afternoon despite only having water since lunch!?
And these don't feel like my boobs, all foamy and extra soft :shock:
When are you testing chick? Xx

Friday officially.... You know me and my early poas though... :blush:

I wrote about 'foamy' boobs in my 2nd cycle, when I ended up with AF five days late after a really faint 2nd line.......

FX that it's a good thing... I'd hate to have gone on and on about managing it in October and not get my proper bfp after a week like this :(

Cold is getting worse, it's going onto my chest, have started coughing now too.
I'm due to test on Friday! Seems ages away! I have had sore bb's, lower back ache and some crampy/ pulling sensations in my abdomen. But... I always seem to get that every month anyway so not taking too much notice. Just have to wait and see I guess. This is my 6th month ttc my first and I am starting to get a bit fed up now. I know I shouldn't moan as there are ladies on here that have been ttc for much longer but I really want a lil bambino soooo bad! Fx for both of us Hun!


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