Bit of everything atm lol

Just catching up. :( Hope you're ok.x
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ive been thinking hun and not to shed false hope but it is possible that your BFP has made him run scared after the mc and hes terrified and blocking it so hes decided to run for the hills so i wouldnt rule out future reconciliation
I agree with Bev, men can act like children when it comes to emotions. I really hope that is what it is and that you two work things out. xxx
Bev could be right, maybe he's just scared? Whatever happens Lander, all the ladies are here to support you. I think it's easier to talk to people you don't know through forums like this. Big hugs xxx
No... It's made us both admit to not being 100% happy about some things. Awful as it sounds, I'm a bit relieved. I need to be with someone who is more accepting of me, yes he did love me and he does care about me but he's always been a bit dismissive of some of my quirks and interests.

We'll see.

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