Bit of everything atm lol

His version of budgeting for it at the time included larger credit card payments then he has now (he got a loan to clear one card and buy the car - 2nd hand one) so between that and him always buying games and dvds apparently that was all he could afford this time last year.

his card payments are less
He's subscribed to Lovefilm
I've reduced the Gas, Electric and Broadband bills
and we've cut right down on Asda shopping
He's just gotten a £500p/a pay rise with another due after Xmas.....

He really should be able to cover another £50p/m, if not £100... (another £70 is what is actually needed).

He earns about £6k more than me so this is really not fair.

Just need some calm, not wound up by his work, time to go over all this and get him to show me his CC statements (I've looked but need to have him show me himself :blush: iykwim) and see what we can do about his debts.

I was gonna say we'd gone right off topic but the title is 'a bit of everything' isn't it? ;)
It really isn't fair if he's earning that much more than you Lander :shakehead:

What would men do without us women to look after them ;)

We can get back on topic tomorrow when you show us your hpt :good:
I'll eat it :)

I'm like a waste disposal unit today. I almost cried when i thought hubby had eaten both slices of cake out of the fridge lol

I can't believe how much weight i've put on since these IVF cycles started - 10 lbs :shock:
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Where are you Lander?!

Just got a message from Lander, she's unable to get on at the mo but has asked me to upload this for consideration........
So do I. She said it disappeared quite quickly though :eh: interesting to mull over though :whistle:
Good luck Lander, I see something so really hope this is it!! xox
I see a bit of something, better than a bit of nothing :)

Fingers crossed Lander :dust:
Just for clarity.... Inverted.

I did a £Land cheapie when I got home and it looked like a line as it was drying but not really showing anything afterwards :(

Bizarre twinges all day today though. And my lower tummy almost feels bruised :shock:



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And I don't know why you were all bouncing about this morning, officially testing tomorrow lol
And I don't know why you were all bouncing about this morning, officially testing tomorrow lol

lol I think Toon set me off :good:

When you said Friday for some reason i thought it was one sleep away :)

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