Bit of a weird question...


Well-Known Member
Nov 16, 2009
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Hi all,

I am sitting here thinking about the 12 week scan on weds and just can't imagine seeing my little bubba on the screen. Isn't it weird that you see the baby moving and it looks like a baby and yet you can't feel it in there? How did you feel before/after?
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Oh yeah it's the weirdest thing! Before I was so nervous and after completely gobsmacked, just couldn't stop looking at the pics! My theory is that they have a film in system that they just play over and over cause they seem to find bubs so quickly, even though it's buried under layers of my fatty mush!
its very strange and i always cry!! with my 2nd they said why you crying you have seen this before!! it just feels so real when you see little arms, legs etc and looks like a baby xx
i still find it so totally amazing i dont remember this bit so well with my first i do remember at my 20wk with her seeing her kick on scan and feeling it at same time was so odd cant wait to feel movement x
For the bloke as well as the mother, it's an incredibly surreal experience. Cherish every moment! And then cry when they charge you £10 for three photos!
It's an amazing experience! I think I just said wow all the way through! Up until the scan you know what's happening in your body but always wondering if somehow those pregnancy tests are wrong and your body Is playing tricks on you! Seeing your tiny baby there just makes it so much more real. With my 2nd son my husband ( he's not my oldest sons biological dad) being his first time sat there with me on the bed and gripped my arm so hard as soon as he saw his baby so yes I can believe it's totally surreal and amazing for the guy too!
My OH nearly cried and was fascinated with baby moving around. I cried because I was so relieved to see heartbeat! I was fascinated and still can't stop staring at scan pic! It felt so so much more real when finally saw the little Hunan that I'd been growing for 10 weeks! Lol x can't wait for next scan!!!!
i had mine a few wks ago and baby pip was moving about all over the place now i keep looking at my belly thinking i cant believe its in there and moving around like that now looking like a minnie baby lol

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