Bit of a random one but hoping for opinions...


Well-Known Member
Feb 18, 2012
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Hi Ladies :)

I am now 15DPO & was expecting AF yesterday so only a day late at the mo but recently have been experiencing changes but quite random changes that I am not aware of being linked to pregnancy in anyway but thought I'd throw it out there in case anyone has ever experienced these things during early pregnancy or knows of anyone that has!?

Basically since 7DPO onwards I have been getting really bad headaches and more recently over the last day or two I've been getting really severe tooth/gum pain. These are both things I anticipate not being a sign of pregnancy (but I am clinging on to every hope & over analysing every single change haha) but I rarely get headaches and toothache so its a little unusual for me... In addition to these two more rnadom things I have been getting more commonly known signs (but I'm also aware that these don't always result in a pregnancy)... so what we thinking - headaches & toothaches just a random coincidence or potential sign?? xxx
I'm pretty sure headaches are a sign of pregnancy, I had them a lot when I was pregnant with Z. I know that pregnancy affects your gums, but not sure how early on. Hope it's a sign, have you tested today? Xxx
Thanks for replying :) I tested yesterday 14DPO BFN (using an internet cheapie) going to test again tomorrow morning using a cheapy again but then if still no sign of AF by Sunday I'm going to be buy a first reponse test.

The other signs i've experienced are as follows: High BBT since ovulation that has now creeped off my chart (98.2); cramps between 7-11DPO; feeling faint...

Really hope its a shy BFP, maybe I should go and buy a FRER tomorrow what do you think?? xx
Sounds good hun good luck.

Michelle. x
Depends.... As you know I used a cheapie 13dpo and 2 days late and the line on the cheapie was literally so faint that it almost wasn't there - oh couldn't see anything and I was convinced I was imagining it. I trust frer!!! :p xx

Thanks Berit :) x - I definitely think thats my best bet then.. I reckon I will use my cheapie tomorrow morning and if BFN again maybe go chemist on my way home from work + do that one friday morning.. eek I'm so excited :) but also trying to remain level headed as I know often these things dont end up with the outcome we hope it will :| FX though, thanks ladies xx
See how it goes tomorrow, I will be checking in so you'd better update as soon as possible ;) xx

Definitely do a FRER, Good luck xxx
Headaches is definatley a sign, I had it with both pregnancies. Good luck xx
Im suffering with the myself at the moment too but just got over a cold so could be that.... Im still in the game though 17DPO, going to do a cheapie tomorrow with FMU, if not i need to hide my tests till after the weekend lol x
Well today is CD36 which I think is 16DPO got another BFN on my internet cheapie... I am going to buy a FRER but going to hold off a few days and do it on Sunday morning which will be CD39 (if it really is a BFN then this is the longest cycle ever yet with the most pregnancy signs ever!) If thats a negative aswell I think I need to forget about it for a week or so before testing again...

Its hard because i've heard of people be in this situation and they are pregnant its just a super shy BFP that takes weeks to show BUT i've also knownplenty of people who have been in a similar situation and for whatever reason its just a delayed AF... :( really hope its the first!! xxx
still keeping my fingers crossed - sorry you're having such a confusing time.........all your symptoms sound good too.
Ooh Janine, the suspense is killing me lol!! I really hope you get your BFP. Keeping my FX and sending you lots of baby dust xxxxx
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Ooh Janine, the suspense is killing me lol!! I really hope you get your BFP. Keeping my FX and sending you lots of baby dust xxxxx

Ahh thanks Katkin :) we are missing you over in the TTC bit hehe, hope you are getting on well in tri 1 :) xx hopefully I won't be far behind you xx

I went to buy a more advanced pregnancy test than my internet cheapies from my local chemist today but they only had their own version of internet chepies where you got like 5 sticks for £3 or clear blue tests where you get 1 test for £10.99 :eek: I just couldnt justify it so think I'm going to hold off and carry on with cheapies for the time being, over the weekend I will go to a different shop and try and buy a FRER (for hopefully less than a tenna) xx
Superdrug and boots have a frer twin pack for £9.99 :)

Ooh Janine, the suspense is killing me lol!! I really hope you get your BFP. Keeping my FX and sending you lots of baby dust xxxxx

Ahh thanks Katkin :) we are missing you over in the TTC bit hehe, hope you are getting on well in tri 1 :) xx hopefully I won't be far behind you xx

I went to buy a more advanced pregnancy test than my internet cheapies from my local chemist today but they only had their own version of internet chepies where you got like 5 sticks for £3 or clear blue tests where you get 1 test for £10.99 :eek: I just couldnt justify it so think I'm going to hold off and carry on with cheapies for the time being, over the weekend I will go to a different shop and try and buy a FRER (for hopefully less than a tenna) xx

Hi Janine - I'm missing you all too. Hope it's not long before you can join me in Tri 1 :)
I know the Clearblue tests are more expensive but I would definately recommend them over the cheapies. I'm keeping everything crossed for you xxx

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