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Bit emotional today - want my mum


Well-Known Member
Apr 8, 2011
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Sounds silly really. Had a lovey few days sorting out baby bits. Washing clothes etc.

Just sat here ironing all my teeny baby clothes and started thinking about my mum. She will have been dead 3 years at the end of the month and I miss her so much.

Not sure why ironing set me off!...think it's cos I know if she was here she would be helping me and loving every minute of it. Can just see her smiley happy face in my head and I wish she was here.

Sorry girls. Bit of a depressing thread. Just had to get it off my chest.
:hugs: Oh hun, so sorry, its perfectly normal as its one of the times a girl really needs her mum :hugs: x x
XhugsX it must be really tough. I think you think about your mum more being pregnant. Mines still alive but left when I was young and haven't heard from her since, so I can sort of empathize.
I'm sure she's looking down on you and your LO xx

Using tapatalk so excuse the typos!
Massive hugs Hun, I am sure she would be so proud of you x x x x
Huge hugs to you :hug: :friends:I cant imagine how tough it must feel not having her here with you at this time. As Bella said, no doubt she would be incredibly proud of you and would love your LO to bits xxxxxxxx
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Thanks so much girls. Your all lovely. She was so special and such a lovely grandma to my nieces and nephews. I just miss her so much. And sure hormones aren't helping! When the floodgates open at the minute it's hard to get em shut again if you know what I mean!! Ha ha
oh hun hope your okay your mum will be v proud of your little one x
Aww chicken.
As the other ladies have said, I'm sure she's up there looking down on you and your LO, loving every minute of you ironing your LO's bubba bits :).

I can kind of empathize with you a little bit, I recently lost my nan back in May, and I was very very close to her, and I miss her terribly!

Keep your chin up hun, she'd be proud of you! :D xxx
*big hugs to you*
Its completely understandable that you're missing your mum at this important time in your life, but she's with you, and she's there, helping you get ready for your new arrival! I'm sure, as the others have said, she'd be so proud of you and she'll be looking down on you and your little one when the time comes.
Hope you feel happier soon! xxx
Bless you!! I feel for you sweetie, just know that she is with you through this whole process and that as others have said I am sure she is so proud of you. Massive hugs to you x
Massive hugs. I can't imagine going through this without my mum so I know how hard it must be for u! Just make sure u tell ur LO all about her :) xxx
Aw ur original post almost made me cry! I can't begin to imagine how u must be feeling hun, and its been said over and over on this thread but ur mum is, in a way, still with u. And she's supporting u through every bit of ur pregnancy. I really am a big believer in things like that.
Hope u feel better soon, and don't be afraid to vent on here any time u feel low xox

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Sending a big hug hun. Your mum would be very proud of you and LO xxx
Thanks again everyone. Feeling a bit brighter now. Always feel better for a good cry :)
Hey Hun, I know exactly what u mean :hugs: I just posted a new thread saying exactly the same before I read urs. My mum passed away 8 years ago today and it really doesn't get any easier, especially with pregnancy hormones. Our mums would have been proud grandma's xxx
Big hugs Spammy, you mum will always be about to keep an eye on you and LO. Xx
I know how you're feeling. My mum passed away 4 years ago on 12 June. It will be 2 days before my due date. I'd love for her to have met my little one but take comfort in knowing that she's watching over us. She'd be proud as punch and your mum would be too. Xx
Aww hun kinda know what your feeling. I lost my dad last year in June. Will be a year on the 20th this month. Last year wax the worst and best year of my life.
I know its hard but just think that part of your mum will be living on in your little bubba. And pregnancy is emotional enough as it is even more so when you don't have a parent to share it with. Be strong and better out than in xxx

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