Birth Story, Sorry its bit late!!


Well-Known Member
Sep 7, 2008
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Hello ladies, I'm very late in posting this as been without a PC for a while :wink:

I gave birth to my lovely daughter Hannah on the 18th October, heres my birth story...

I went into latent labour on the Thursday night, I was taking my dinner plate out to the kitchen when it suddenly hit me. I had a contraction in the hallway. Trust me ladies, you'll know when its happening! I knew that this was for real. They continued and I had one every half an hour so strapped on the tens machine, but it stopped at 1am so I made sure I had a good sleep and had my bag packed and everything ready.

Started up again on the Friday night at 5pm, and then lost my plug at 10pm. Tens machine on again (which really helped). They stopped again at 11pm so I went to bed. Suddenly woke up at 2am and had a contraction, halfway through I felt this weird popping sensation, my waters had gone!!

Phoned the delivery suite and they said to come in. By this time I was having painful contractions every 2 minutes. Got to the hospital where they checked the babies heartbeat but didn't examine me internally??? Just sent me home.

By the time I got home I was contracting every minute so told OH to turn the car around and 'get me back to the f***ing hospital now'!!

On arrival this time they examined me and I was 7cm already (hooray for raspberry leaf tablets)

I had to go in a private delivery room as it was so busy so had the room that Sophie Rees-Jones (Prince Edwards wife) had, complete with en-suite bathroom and LCD TV for me to watch during labour :D

Also had a surprise when the midwife arrived, she was a good school friend of mine so I knew I was in safe hands. She was terrific.

No time for pain relief so just chewed on the gas and air, ready to push within the hour. Had problems pushing though as my contractins were only lasting 20 seconds so took 2 and a half hours to get her out. Well worth it in the end though as she arrived at 11:44 am. Perenium intact, no tears :dance: All down to my wonderful midwife talking me through the important bit and making sure it all happened slowly and I didn't push her out too fast.

She weighed 8lb 5.5oz and scored a 10 on the Apgar. I was on the ward by 3pm and spent 24 hours there where I had wonderful care. The team at Frimley Park Hospital were fantastic an I would happily have another baby there.

I hope you ladies have a labour as good as mine. Yes, it does hurt but it doesn't last forever and when your baby is put on your chest, all is forgotten and all you think about is the new life that you have just created :D

Good luck all
Aww what a lovely story! Congratulations!! :cheer: :hug:
ahhh hun lovely birth story thanks for sharing.

Have you got any pics?
Awww that was a lovely birthstory.

Aww thats a brilliant story hun glad you had such a positive experience :D
What a great labour story!


Claire x

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