Birth Plans


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Sep 15, 2011
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Has anyone decide what they want in the form of a Birth plan? I know it won't always go the way you want but thought it would be nice to hear everyone's 'dream plans'.

I would like to have our Squiggle at home in a birthing pool. As I get so anxious about everything in life I don't think I'd ever sit or sleep easy in hospital as I walkways worry something may go wrong! I feel relaxed at home so think it's best there. MIL is a midwife and said she thinks it's a lovely idea - I would love her to be the one to bring her first grandchild into the world. I also only want gas and air so feel the temptation for anything else will be eradicated at home aha.

I really want this to the point that I've bought a new suite for the living room so I know there is plenty of space for a pool haha!

What are you plans and ideas?

Hiya. Well I did a birth plan for my first pregnancy and it went straight out the window once we was at hospital! Baby was back-to-back so was in agony..I originally only wanted gas and air but ended up having everything...then I got to 9cm dilated and ended up having an emergency c-section! At the start I wanted a home birth as well but glad I didn't in the end as baby was in distress! This time round I want to try a natural birth again or VBAC as they call it after you have had a c-section but I am not bothering with a birth plan as I know how quickly things can change but I know what to expect 2nd time round. Good luck though hun...hope you get to have your baby at home if that's where you are most comfortable xx
I can't really have a birth plan. Il be induced early again so be hooked up to monitors constantly. Can't move around during labour etc and due to hypermobility my contractions will be very intense.
The only thing I'm considering is hypnobirth x
Hiya. Well I did a birth plan for my first pregnancy and it went straight out the window once we was at hospital! Baby was back-to-back so was in agony..I originally only wanted gas and air but ended up having everything...then I got to 9cm dilated and ended up having an emergency c-section! At the start I wanted a home birth as well but glad I didn't in the end as baby was in distress! This time round I want to try a natural birth again or VBAC as they call it after you have had a c-section but I am not bothering with a birth plan as I know how quickly things can change but I know what to expect 2nd time round. Good luck though hun...hope you get to have your baby at home if that's where you are most comfortable xx
That's quite scary isn't it..... I couldn't imagine ever having a home birth even if I could. If my mum would have birthed me at home, I wouldn't be here to tell the tail as my heartbeat stopped and she was rushed for an emergency c sections, i was out literally minutes later and resuscitated. At home that wouldn't have been the case :( so scary to think of, I personally would always feel safer at hospital because of the just in case issue... Xx
My local hospital I in the same road as me so I know of things were to go wrong it wouldn't be far away. I know others are scared about the idea but I can't think of anything nicer :)

Heard hypnobirthing is meant to be amazing! Xx
My local hospital I in the same road as me so I know of things were to go wrong it wouldn't be far away. I know others are scared about the idea but I can't think of anything nicer :)

Heard hypnobirthing is meant to be amazing! Xx
Thats good then, I am a good 40 mins from my hospital.
I have heard great things about it so it's worth a try in my eyes :) x
My partner was always against the idea of a home birth but I thought like most women I wanted to be in my own environment and I'm not a fan of hospitals but luckily I listened..I would never have forgiven myself if something bad had happened at home! I think it's difficult with first babies because you don't know what to expect or know how you will cope but if you feel you will be ok at home then at least try you can always go to the hospital if you change your mind. Were only 10-15 min drive away from the hospital so not miles away but because I have had a c-section they want to monitor me because of the risk of scar rupture etc so I can stay at home as long as I am comfortable to but once contractions are coming regularly or if my waters break i have to go straight in. I wanted to use the birthing suit in my first pregnancy but was taken straight to a delivery room...this time round I have to go in a delivery room incase anything happens! I'm told I have a 75% chance of having a natural birth after a section...we will see! Xx
Hey ladies, I had a c section with my first baby Amy and a successful Vbac with my second, my third baby ended up in emergency c section and my 4th elective this baby is gonna be another elective. I'm glad I was at hospital for my births as had feral distress with my third boy which was very scary. X
We are planning a HB. This will be our 3rd HB if it goes well.

I know a lot of people say its not worth to have a plan because it can all go out the window during labour. Personally I think its important to be informed and know what you want. Of course you have to be ready for changing circumstances or just feeling differently about things once you are in labour but I think too many women who go into labour with the attatude of it being best to be open minded and doctor knows best end up with a bad birth experience when it didn't need to be.

I never actually wrote down a birth plan because we found an independent MW who we really liked and I felt comfortable with. We got to talk about the birh before and I felt like we were on the same page. Things that would of been important to me like delayed cord clamping are normal practice to her so I didn't feel the need to write it all down. If I had planned a hospital birth or HB were it was whatever MW that was on call I would have made sure I had written a birth plan down. I think keeping them clear and simple with emphasis on the things that are most important to you is best.

After a lot of research and my own experience I actually feel that having a HB is a safer choice for me and my baby than a hospital birth. Of course there are risks with a home birth but there are also risks with a hospital birth. I had an aunt who died infection she caught in hospital (she wasnt there for birth but it was a fairly minor reason). Very few complications are serious enough that there isnt time for hospital transfer (it does help in my case that I am 5 mins from the hospital ). When in hospital its not like they have an operating room sitting ready ready for you even if you do need an emergency CS so there is always some time delay and problems are often picked up quicker when you have the undivided attention of a MW that you have at a HB. Being at home also gives you the best chance of staying active, relaxed and to avoid interventions which in itself reduces the risk of things like hemorrhage and stress to the baby. Of course anyone who is more comfortable in hospital should do what feels right for them. Being well informed and comfortable with your choices is important. If you decide to go for a HB I hope it is as wonderful experience for you as it has been for us.
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I'm hoping I can have a water birth, though my BMI is higher so it depends what the consultant says when I finally meet them. Even if u can try the water to ease the pain of contractions that would be good. I'll be trying the hypnobirthing too if I can. Not against having an epi if I feel I need it and happy to use gas and air. Tbh the only thing I'm dead against is any opiate-based pain relief. My mum had pethidine thinking I would be another few hours, then everything got moving and I was born blue and half asleep. She said it was terrifying. Plus it affected how I fed for the first few days. I also saw a girl on 'one born every minute' who got something similar (morphine?) And she wasn't event aware her baby had been born. She was totally out of it and got really upset and distressed. Defo don't want that

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I will go with c- section
I had a planed section in my first pregnancy
I was happy with that

I have absolutely no expectations at all or a plan, ive no dream birth in my mind is that bad? The only thing i want is to be fully informed the whole way through and my husband told everything if somethings up for me. I haven't ruled anything out but i want things only if deemed necessary.
My first labour was horrific. I somehow did most of it at home and was 10cm by time I got to hospital, then my waters exploded everywhere lol. 2 hours of pushing, episiotomy, forceps, all with zero pain relief (well apart from injections for stitches). It was just a horrible horrible experience and remember feeling so panicky and desperate for help and no one seemed to care that I was begging for SOMETHING to take the edge off the pain.

This time I know what to expect, yes it is gonna bloody hurt but I want to get in hospital in time and hopefully have a more relaxed controlled experience in the pool and make sure I have gas and air. I am also open to other forms of pain relief if necessary. The thought of epidural makes me cringe but once in the moment I prob won't care. x
My plan is to get this baby out by 39 weeks via c section.

However if i didnt have my history and was low risk I would sooooo go with a home birth. They sound amazing!
I have a friend who had a home birth, she also did the hypnobirthing for pain relief. She would do it again in a shot

I have no choice I had to go on the delivery suite with my first as I need to be near doctors due ta blood disorder, and this time I'm having a section so maybe that could be my plan :)

If everything is going well then go for a home birth x
Im not bothering with birthing plan this time. I wrote it out for my first with strict instructions of water birth and gas and air only.... Anyway my waters went without a gush or leaking so I was high risk (no water birth) and she was back to back (ouch!!!) with no gaps in between contractions.... I ended up having to have the epidural so that they could try to control my contractions medically to turn her. She turned 1/4 way and I managed to birth her naturally but sideways lol needless to say none of my plan was followed. This time I'll just go with the flow.... And walk around on all fours for the two weeks before to encourage baby away from back to back!!

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I've considered c section as my option even though this is my first birth. I totally panic when in any type of pain and my threshold for pain is very low - I'd stress myself and baby out way too much. Also, I don't min needles, no matter the size, so I think planned c section is the way for me - and since I probably will never have any more, I'm fine with that.

That or dope me out of my freaking mind!

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