Birth Plan!!??


Well-Known Member
Jan 25, 2007
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hi all,

i didnt have a birth plan with DD as it was my first and i was open to anything. however, one thing i did learn was that i dont want an epidural as the thought terrified me and still does.

i havent got a birth plan so far but i was thinking should i do one becus i do have expectations from this birth. i dont want any pain relief apart from gas and air and i dont want a spinal under any circumstances. should i write this somewhere? it wont be accessible becus hopefully i wil be on midwife led unit and epidurals arent available but if in an emergency they need to do a c-section can i choose to be put asleep and should i put this in my birth plan.

my question is really: do you think birth plans are worth it and do the mw's take any notice?

if you think i should do one, how do you do it? is there a certain layout etc?

sorry its a bit long. any help would be appreciated.

Hi Kim,

My birth plan is quite simple and just states in small sentances/paragraphs how I'd like my birth to go and in different instances, what I'd like to happen - I just wrote it in Word, went through it with OH and with m/w (at 38 weeks) and then printed it out and stuck it in the front of my notes. I am planning a home birth but I am happy to PM you a copy of my birth plan for you to amend if it'd help you to get started on yours?

Just a quick question - you know that if you get put to sleep for a c-section, then your OH is not allowed in the room and won't be present at the birth? However, if you just have a normal c-section, then this is not an issue. Don't mean to question your choices - just wanted to check that you knew that this was the case?


Valentine xxx
to be honest mine was a completewaste of time as the midwifes completely ignored it ( i asked for no students and it was astudent who delivered my baby :roll: ). in fact it never even came out my notes. Id just recommend that your birth partner knows everything that you want and then that way they can speak up for you in case you cant tell them what you want yourself. However i needed to go over one with my midwife at 36 weeks just to make sure i had ideas of hat i wanted.

However if you still want to do one this is my birth plan (the midwife said itwas perfect and contained everything she could think of) :D

Birth Plan of Raynor Gellatly
Labour Ward : 01382 660111

Birth Companion
Brian Gellatly (husband)

Pain relief
Relaxation and breathing techniques for as long as possible; then gas and air, pethidine and an epidural in that order, if needed.

I do not want an internal monitor unless my baby has shown some sign of distress.

I hope to keep as active and mobile as possible in labour with the help of my partner Brian
I would like to be free to walk around during labour.
I wish to be able to move around and change position at will throughout labour.
I would prefer to keep the number of vaginal exams to a minimum.

Unless absolutely necessary, I would like to avoid a Caesarean.
If a Caesarean delivery is indicated, I would like to be fully informed and to participate in the decision-making process.
I would like Brian Gellatly (husband) present at all times if my baby requires a Caesarean delivery.
I wish to have an epidural for anaesthesia
If my baby is not in distress, my baby should be given to my husband immediately after birth.

I would prefer not to have an episiotomy unless absolutely required for the baby's safety.
I would appreciate guidance in when to push and when to stop pushing so the perineum can stretch.

Delivery of baby
I would like to be allowed to choose the position in which I give birth, including squatting.
I would like Brian Gellatly (husband) and/or nurses to support me and my legs as necessary during the pushing stage.
I would like to have my baby placed on my stomach/chest immediately after delivery.

Delivery of placenta
I would like an actively managed third stage

Immediately After Delivery
I would like to have Brian Gellatly (husband) cut the cord.
I would like to hold my baby while I deliver the placenta and any tissue repairs are made.

I DO NOT plan to breastfeed my baby.

I would prefer that no students or non-essential personnel be present during my labour or the birth.
I would prefer to keep my hospital stay to a minimum and be able to return home asap.
hi thanks.

My OH wouldnt mind not being there and i dont mind either. he is only going to be tere for final stages like he was last time, it will be my mum who stays with me. i think i will do a birth plan (so any examples are welcome if you want to share or pm me) and i will also let me mum know exactly what is on it. i am just worried cus i know in final stages when you have gas and air it can make you feel in a unreal state of mind and not know whats going on around you so i need to know that my wishes will still be taken into account

i am just too terrified of the needle in my spine and ive tried everything to help like talking to mums who have had it (including my own mum) watchin it being done on the telly etc but i just cant have it done it really really scares me.

Birth Plan of Raynor Gellatly
Labour Ward : 01382 660111

Birth Companion
Brian Gellatly (husband)

Pain relief
Relaxation and breathing techniques for as long as possible; then gas and air, pethidine and an epidural in that order, if needed.

I do not want an internal monitor unless my baby has shown some sign of distress.

I hope to keep as active and mobile as possible in labour with the help of my partner Brian
I would like to be free to walk around during labour.
I wish to be able to move around and change position at will throughout labour.
I would prefer to keep the number of vaginal exams to a minimum.

Unless absolutely necessary, I would like to avoid a Caesarean.
If a Caesarean delivery is indicated, I would like to be fully informed and to participate in the decision-making process.
I would like Brian Gellatly (husband) present at all times if my baby requires a Caesarean delivery.
I wish to have an epidural for anaesthesia
If my baby is not in distress, my baby should be given to my husband immediately after birth.

I would prefer not to have an episiotomy unless absolutely required for the baby's safety.
I would appreciate guidance in when to push and when to stop pushing so the perineum can stretch.

Delivery of baby
I would like to be allowed to choose the position in which I give birth, including squatting.
I would like Brian Gellatly (husband) and/or nurses to support me and my legs as necessary during the pushing stage.
I would like to have my baby placed on my stomach/chest immediately after delivery.

Delivery of placenta
I would like an actively managed third stage

Immediately After Delivery
I would like to have Brian Gellatly (husband) cut the cord.
I would like to hold my baby while I deliver the placenta and any tissue repairs are made.

I DO NOT plan to breastfeed my baby.

I would prefer that no students or non-essential personnel be present during my labour or the birth.
I would prefer to keep my hospital stay to a minimum and be able to return home asap.

thank you this has help me too!

kimheath said:
hi thanks.

My OH wouldnt mind not being there and i dont mind either. he is only going to be tere for final stages like he was last time, it will be my mum who stays with me. i think i will do a birth plan (so any examples are welcome if you want to share or pm me) and i will also let me mum know exactly what is on it. i am just worried cus i know in final stages when you have gas and air it can make you feel in a unreal state of mind and not know whats going on around you so i need to know that my wishes will still be taken into account

i am just too terrified of the needle in my spine and ive tried everything to help like talking to mums who have had it (including my own mum) watchin it being done on the telly etc but i just cant have it done it really really scares me.


Hi Kim,

Cool - I see what you're saying, but I don't think ANYONE can be with you during a general anaesthetic (your mum or your OH or any other birth partner) as it's seen as a major operation when you are put to sleep.

I went for a hospital appt a couple of weeks ago where c-section under general anaesthetic was discussed and this was confirmed to be the case in my hospital anyway.

Sorry for being sticky, I just want to make sure you are informed before you make your decision - I really hope you get the birth you want.


Valentine xxx
thanks hun but i thought that wud be the case anyway as i have had a few operations. i dont mind as long as baby is delivered healthily and my OH can see her as soon as is possible.

my mum is just there for reassurance for the first few stages really and im hoping that will be at home. thanks tho i know what you are sayin and im also guessing that the amount of time in hospital after would be a few days also, is that right?

hopefully i wont need a c-section as i believe the problems that happened in first labour wit DD getting stressed out were common with being induced and becus labour preogressed so quickly. i just want to be prepared.

A birth plan is for exactly that, your feelings towards what you would and would not like, and so in writing one you are reassuring yourself and your birthing companions, as well as the health peeps what you would like, obviously circumstances can change but its good to feel you have a preference all the same :)

As to the 'plan' Here's how mine started, but it went in quite an opposite direction...

Amy's Birth Plan

I understand that it may not be possible to follow my birth plan if special circumstances arise. This is fine, but please explain to me what is happening.
Please respect my birth wishes, as I will respect your professional knowledge and experience, thankyou. If everything goes to “plan”, I would like…

Birthing Companions

Pain Relief

Monitoring (interval/continuous)


Third Stage (placenta delivery)

Waters being broke

Skin to Skin

Vitamin K

Food & Drink

If my baby is ill (who goes with baby/who stays with you)

If I need a caesarean section

If I am overdue

If I need to be induced
Hi Kimheath! :hug:

I'm trying to write a birth plan too.

I want a c-section and also am terrified of a needle in my back and do not under any circumstances want one!
If I have my c section I am requesting that I am put to sleep fully, and they have said that would be fine but no one else is allowed in the operating theatre. They said I would be awake within 20-30 minutes after my baby is born, and in the mean time my baby could be given to my chosen birth partner to look after until I wake up.
Thats the option I am going for if possible. If baby stays in that long!! :shock:
Oh and they said the stay in hospital would be 3 days....

Good luck with your birth plan!

Piglet xx
I'm glad this thread is here because I was in 2 minds about it, I wasn't sure if I should do a birth plan or not but if for some reason like I am too drugged up to my eye balls and I dont know whats going on and I can't tell the midwives anything then she can just look at my birth plan.
The only problem is I can't make up my mind about what pain relief I would like.
I wrote mine in paragraphs (no headings) just stating who I wanted there, what pain relief I'd like, how I wanted things like the placenta delivery dealt with, that LO could have vitamin K when he's born and whether there were preferences to oral or injection type thing. I wrote that I was planning a home birth and that should transfer to hospital become necesary I wanted it taken care of without fussing and I'd like as much notice, calmly as possible, as hospital really isn't in my head and I don't want a last second rushed transfer as I know I'd get upset. Really and honestly though from what I've heard you can write a birth plan and print 1,000 copies for everyone involved but at the end of the day they are either not read, ignored or you just change your mind and the delivery happens slightly differntly than planned anyway, i.e you plan on just gas & air (as I am!!) but not knowing how you'd handle the pain you might need say a shot of pethadine before the pushing starts type thing, you never do know I suppose. I've wrote what I'd like to happen but know I have to keep an open mind to other things happening or changing too.
Just wanted to add, as a bit of praise for the NHS :) The MW's involved in my hospital care all took note of my birth plan, and were very understanding as to my upset when it didn't go to plan, they were very nice and handled it very sensitively. That was at the LGI in Leeds, and my personal experience, hope its the case for others too :hug:
I thought my midwife said that a birth plan is a legal requirement, as even though what you have written is not set in stone, it shows that you have given thought to the choices available?
It's not a legal requirement, so many women don't do one at all...especially mum's who are having subsequent children.

I've not even been advised to think about doing one and I'm 38 weeks, I just got on and done one because my baby journal suggested I wrote down my wishes, wants, hopes etc. Midwife hasn't ever mentioned a birthing plan to me.
I put mine in the section in my pregnancy notes... but mostly if you really want to be taken notice of, make sure your OH is firm with them. I've told my OH under no circumstances other than emergency caesarian will I have a epidural, and even if I want one at the time, he is gonna try and enforce that I don't.
I wrote out a draft of mine over the weekend and thought it really helped me to think about everything clearly. I thought I knew exactly what I'd write but it brought up new questions and I still am not sure about some bits (like whether to have the injection for placenta delivery).
So even if no one but you and your birth partner(s) look at it, I think it's really worth writing down what you'd like to happen.
I did a birth plan and I dont think anyone invoved was really interested in it at all! I had planned gas and air only at the midwife led unit but ended up with a shot of pethidine, transfer to medical unit,epidural, episiotomy and forcep delivery! Also DH never got to cut the cord and my baby was taken away immediately for about 20 to 30 mins. What a load of crap! I dont think I will bother with one next time. Waste of paper in my case. :(
Jen79 said:
I did a birth plan and I dont think anyone invoved was really interested in it at all! I had planned gas and air only at the midwife led unit but ended up with a shot of pethidine, transfer to medical unit,epidural, episiotomy and forcep delivery! Also DH never got to cut the cord and my baby was taken away immediately for about 20 to 30 mins. What a load of crap! I dont think I will bother with one next time. Waste of paper in my case. :(

Exactly the same story here, ditto about the cord.

Next time I wouldn't worry about a piece of paper that never ever came out of my bag, but I'd brief OH better to shout up about what we both want (I was in NO state :rotfl: )

Prepare your birthing partners ladies, it's the only way...... :D
thanks ladies. i think i am goin to do one and also giv it to my mum so she can speak up if i cant. thanks for the examples of what to put in as well, its nice to have a guide.

My DH has been given VERY clear instructions as to what i want and don't want and god help him if he doesn't make his voice heard :rotfl:

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