Birth plan


Well-Known Member
May 5, 2006
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Im seeing the midwife tomorrow and she asked me to write my birth plan. Me being me I've left it til the last minute so Im gonna sit down tonight and do it.

I was also going to write down why I want to be induced early. Im really nervous about asking her about it so I thought if I wrote it all down I wont forget anything that I want to say, and its there to show the consultant instead of me having to explain it all over and over.

Do you think she'll take me seriously? There are quite a few reasons why I want to be induced early and I dont want them thinking Im only asking to be awkward!

Once I've written it I'll put it on here so you can tell me what you think :)
I know it seems like all I do is complain, sorry :oops:

Yes I sound like a drama queen but I want them to listen to me, Im sick of being treated like another fooking statistic instead of an individual :x

Request for Early Induction

This is something that I wish to discuss with both my midwife and consultant, and I thought writing it down would be better than trying to remember everything I want to say. I am hoping that writing it down will also allow me to be taken seriously, and show that I have given it a lot of thought.

Ideally, I would like labour to be induced at around 38 weeks, for various reasons. The main reason is that I am suffering badly with SPD, and despite being prescribed codeine by my GP the pain is still unbearable. It has become progressively worse over the past few weeks and I now find it a struggle to do daily things without being in excruciating pain. I am hardly sleeping at night and I find the most simple tasks hard. I have a 4 year old son and it's affecting my ability to care for him which is the last thing I want.

I have been measuring 3 weeks ahead of my dates since about 26 weeks and a growth scan at 36+3 confirmed the baby is clinically large for dates. After having a terrible labour with my last baby, who was only 7lb 11oz at term, I am extremely anxious that going to 40 weeks and giving birth to a large baby will prove difficult for me, not only due to physical reasons but also because I am already nervous about the birth after having such a bad labour last time.

Finally, there is a non medical reason why I want my labour to be induced early. It may seem irrelevant and it may sound like I am asking as a matter of convenience but it is important to me. My Nana has been in hospital for 5 weeks after suffering from a stroke and at the minute it's hard to say when, or even if, she'll be coming home. As silly as it may sound, I want her to be able to meet her great grandchild, and although this is by no means a reason for agreeing to induction, I would appreciate it so much if it was even considered.
good luck hun. hope they agree to induce you early. i dont see any reason why not
I think they are good reasons and should take your request very seriously, the spd one is a good reason within itsself.
I think you'd have a better chance of asking for an elective c-section.

You have to bear in mind that induction of labour makes its much more likely you'll need a c-section anyway.
Well they have to take you seriously, lets just hope they listen and take in your reasons. Even more so that they allow you to be induced. Good luck with it :hug:
Im starting to think Id be better off not even asking. After all, its only another 3 weeks til my due date and to be honest I doubt they'll agree to induce me anyway.

Other people manage to last the whole 40 weeks so Im sure I can, Ive done it before. Id rather spend the next 3 weeks in pain than start having disagreements with the midwife and consultant lol 8)
they have to take you seriously, your requeats areant far out and you have medical reasons as well.
I think it is worth discussing . they may have reasons why its not a good isea but at least you won't be left wondering.

I think your reasons sound very thought out
I agree you should go for it and ask even if you think it's unlikely they'll agree. The reasons you've stated seem quite sensible and not unreasonable anyway.

If you don't ask you don't get - that's what I think. So go for it - you never know. :)

I watched birthdays on tv today and there was a women on there induced becuase she had been feeling uncomfortable for the last 6 weeks ,that seemed to be her only they may well consider it


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