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Birth Plan


Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2006
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I want to start thinking about mine, but i wondered what people included/ or going to include of theirs. Coz i dont really know what sort of information you need to think about. Other than the obvious of pain relief etc. So any help would be appreciated :D
ha my birth plan consists of erm "homebirth gas and air and pethadine"

dont think the midwife knows i havent got a birth plan... she'll find otu soon enough eh ;) hahah
lol. well all i have so far is hospital and gas and air :D
clairem1984 said:
lol. well all i have so far is hospital and gas and air :D
i think ur supposed to include things like:

were u want baby delivering to

who cuts the cord

pain relief u want, pain relief ur open to and pain relief u really dont want

if u dont kno the sex, if u want ur partner to tell them etc?

erm my minds gone blank now...
thanks :) at least gives me something to start with
Why don't you try this website. Although it is aimed at home births, I think the suggestions for the birth plan can apply for home or hospital. I copy and pasted the page into Word and then deleted the bits I didn't want.


If it comes up with the home page click on the green birth plans at end of fifth paragraph, it will take you through to all the suggestions.

It really helped me and made me think about things I hadn't before.
In my set of maternity notes theres a set of things to go through with the MW at 36 weeks - maybe there's similar in yours? it's things like what sort of pain control, do you want the injection to get your placenta out, or do you want to expel it naturally, how do you want the vitamin K administered etc. Cutting the cord and other stuff you can build in as you want. Personally I'd prefer as little intervention as poss, but I ultimately want whats best for baby.
i did look through my notes, but there doesnt seem to be much about it :? but i feel the same as you really. I guess ill ask the midwife about it next time i see her
Claire here are a few things you may want to include in you birth plan. Sorry if they have already been mentioned or are repeated (i just copied and pasted them from a few websites!). :D

Birth companion
Write down who you want to be with you in labour. Do you want this person to stay with you all the time, or are there certain procedures or stages in labour when you'd prefer him or her to leave the room?

Positions for labour and birth
Mention which positions you would like to use during labour and for your baby's delivery. Also say how active you would like to be: would you like to remain upright and mobile for as long as possible, for example, or would you prefer to be in bed.

Pain relief
Say what kinds of pain relief you want to use, if any, and in what order (for example, you might prefer to try pethidine before an epidural).

Birthing pool
If your hospital or midwife-led unit has a birthing pool, or if you are hiring one to use at home, write down whether you want to use it for pain relief and/or to give birth in.

Monitoring your baby's heart rate
Say how you want your baby to be monitored during labour. Write down whether you would like your midwife to listen to your baby's heart intermittently using a hand-held device (Sonicaid) or whether you want electronic monitoring using a belt strapped round your waist.

Assisted delivery
You might want to express a preference for forceps or ventouse if, at the end of labour, you need some help to deliver your baby.

Delivery position

Say whether you want to give birth lying on the bed, or kneeling, standing or squatting.

Third stage (delivery of the placenta)

You can choose to have an injection to speed up the delivery of the placenta, or you might want to say that you prefer to have a natural third stage without drugs.

Feeding the baby
Be clear about whether you want to breastfeed or bottlefeed. Also be clear about whether your breastfed baby is allowed to have any bottles. If you definitely don't want her to have bottles, say so.

Unexpected situations
Some women write down what they want to happen if their baby has to go the special care baby unit (SCBU). They might want to be allowed to care for him as much as possible themselves, and to be transferred with him to another hospital if a transfer is necessary. They might ask for their partners to be allowed to stay with them at the hospital.

A Labor Birth Plan Sample Worksheet

1. I would like to give birth:
at home
in a birthing room
in a delivery room (more surgical facilities)
in the shower

2. In my birthing room, the following is important to me:
Dimmed lights
Soft music playing
Wearing my own clothes during delivery

3. I would like to have the following people present at the birth:


4. In preparation for my delivery, I would prefer:
to use/ to not use an enema
to be/to not be induced if I go past my due date

5. If inducing labor, I would prefer these methods:
Breaking the membrane
Castor oil
Nipple stimulation
Sexual intercourse

6. During the first stage of labor:
I would / would not prefer to remain with my partner during labor or delivery
I would like to eat or drink during labor
Give me pain medication only if I ask for it/if the pain causes me too much discomfort
I would prefer not to undergo internal exams unless medically necessary for the health of me or my baby.

7. Ways I would like to manage the pain:
Breathing techniques

8. Second stage of labor:
I would prefer not have an episiotomy, even if it means tearing vaginal tissue
I would prefer having an episiotomy if there is a possibility of tissue tearing
Unless it's medically necessary, I would prefer not having an episiotomy offered to me

9. I prefer to give birth in the following position:
Classic position-semi-reclined
Standing upright
Lying on my side
Hands and knees

10. During my birth:
If it's necessary to extract the baby, use either forceps or a vacuum
I would like a mirror available so that I might see my baby's head
I would like to touch my vaginal area as my baby's head crowns

11. After delivery:
I wish to cut the umbilical cord myself
I wish to have umbilical cord blood preserved
I would like a private room
If my newborn leaves my presence, I would like my partner to attend to her
Fabulous list Little Red, going to print that out myself. One question - how does the MW facilitate sexual intercourse? :rotfl:
gingerpig said:
Fabulous list Little Red, going to print that out myself. One question - how does the MW facilitate sexual intercourse? :rotfl:

oooo ill have to ask my midwife if she can do me a prescription for a handsome hunk to help "induce" me :D
I think the NHS is going to get bankrupted - I was wondering if I could get a night out at a posh hotel lol.
Yeah do not worry midwife will lead you on by asking you loads of questions. Do not be scared to ask her loads yourself too if you have any queries. Then you can add to the plan, like ive added that i wanted a water birth, about my penicilin and that i want joe to have a cuddle with the baby too! oh and think long and hard wether you would want any students in the room as well
excellent list little red, i defently feel like i have stuff to get me started now :D

:rotfl: @ Lozzi and gingerpig
Best of luck with your birth plan Claire

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