Birth control..depo injection?

Rubys mummy

Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2006
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Was on the pill before we started TTCing....I have been on the pill, then the depo injection before but switched back to pill when I met OH and we decided we would want a baby.

Went back on the pill when I got my first period after Ruby, but I am not liking it at all. I have forgotten to take it occasonally, and have had a few tummy upsets too, so this is making me terrified that I will fall PG on it, and my sex drive has vanished!!! :oops: I cant bear the thought of getting pregnant again...

I am considering going back on the depo, as I know its not affected by sickness etc and I cant forget to take it as its done once every few months.

How do I make the switch from one to the other?
I think you have to go have the injection the first day of your period, but I'm really not sure, but think nurses can administer it too now, so just call your GP surgery and ask the receptionist, they know everything anyway :lol: I was on the depo for years, would recommend it too, very best wishes, hope eveything feels and runs better when you switch :hug: :hug: :hug:
I heard that spending too much time on depo can effect bone density so make sure you get loads and loads of calcium! I would go on dep but it killed my sex drive, so does the pill... :roll:
Hiya, haven't posted on here for a while but was browsing today and HAVE to reply to this one! I really don't think that you should go on the depo!! I was on it for four years and eighteen months before I stopped it I started getting very sore down there and was unable to have sex, it was agony, I had to have biopsies and everything and I kept asking the doctor if it was to do with the depo and he said no, in the end out of sheer desperation I came off it and everything cleared up just like that!! I googled it just to see what came up and in turns out sooooo many people have had the same problem!

Why don't you try the chip thingy that they put under your skin in your arm?


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