Birth Announcement - Ella Brooke - 18-11-11


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May 6, 2011
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Well Ella is a week old tomorrow - finally just got chance to sit and write her birth story!

First of all I just want to say how much I was petrified of being induced... I am actually so glad I was induced now I really believe it made my labour easier.

It all started on thursday when I was asked to go to the hospital at 1:30pm to have the pessary inserted. The midwife told me that because this was my first baby my cervix is likely to be really closed and far back and it would probably take a while for things to start progressing. She gave me an internal and said my cervix is actually really for forward and I was already 1cm dilated.. happy days!

About half an hour later I started to get mild period pains and back ache - this continued throughout the day. Luckily I was given a room to myself on the ward so at about midnight I left my family in reception and went to bed... an hour and half later I woke up to strong contractions... they were coming very quickly, every 3 mins and were very painful..I asked for some pain relief but the blood Dr has lost my drugs card so it took them ages, the midwife came back with paracetomol!!!! I told her paracetomol would do nothing so she got me some codine... still didn't do anything for the pain!

The midwife said she would give me an internal and see how things are progressing, i was GUTTED to find out I was only 2cm initial thought was "if i cant handle the pain at 2cm how the hell am i going to cope for the rest of the labour"!!!

4:30am came and the pains were unbearable by now, I was literally crying on all fours begging for gas and air so they gave me another internal and I was now at 4cm dilated...I was then transferred down to the labour suite.

Once I got into the labour suite I was given gas and air and straight away which at first I didn't think was helping at all - I then asked for diermorphine which was AMAZING!!!!! My BP went up to 115 and the babys heart rate hit 235 so they put a drip into me to try and calm her down. I couldn't wee which the midwife said would be stopping baby from moving down so I was made to go to the toilet where I lost my plug... the midwife said it was the biggest plug she had ever seen! haha

From half 4 until half 8 my contractions were every 2 minutes, they then broke my waters at 8:27am and the pain became even more intense.

At 9:13 I could feel my body pushing down...I was convinced that I needed to poo so i held back and was fighting against it... that didnt last long, I had no control over my body and after 4 pushes at 9:24am Ella Brooke came into the world. The midwife said that usually the babys head comes out first but Ella's whole body came out in one push!!!

Because she came out in one go and so quickly I tore really badly and was being stitched up for about an hour and half, they inserted a cathetar for 24 hours because of all the stitches I had.

She weighed a very healthy 7lb 13oz and has passed all the health checks, she had her heel prick test yesterday and had gone down to 7lb 10oz.

I couldnt of asked for a better labour and birth experience, I loved every minute of it and am so proud to say I bought my little girl into the world.

here she is;


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Fantastic story and massive Congraulations to you shes beautiful and lovely name too XXX
Aw huge congrats hunni... I am also a bit worried about getting induced lol. She is gorgeous too :). xx
She is beautiful :) Congratulations.xx
As so this is who was hiding inside that gorgeous bump :good:
Congrats Hun and well done she is beautiful xxxx
awww beautiful girl hunny .....well done sweetheart,my henley came out in 1 big push too!! no waitin between head and body lol,i think being induced must make them fly out like daughter said henley nearly flew off the end of the bed lol....super happy for u babe :love: xxxx
You did so well Hun, congratulations she's absolutely Beautifull xx
She's beautiful!

Enjoyed reading that, as this is my first baby too and I have no idea what to expect!
Oh she's beautiful!
Congratulations and well done for getting your birth story written so quickly!
Well done, she is beautiful and what a great labour story. xx

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