Big TMI but I need help


Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2011
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Apologies in advance:
I went to the toilet earlier for a poo and it hurt quite a lot.
Then there was a bit of blood (bright red).
Could it be that i pulled or teared something?
Or could it be what i am trying not to think about?
I am 10+2 and have had no symptoms for about a week now (apart from tiredness and sore boobs).
Was the blood from ur vagina or ur anus? It might be piles x

was it from your front or from your bum? it could be that you have a tissue tear? if it came from your vagina i would not worry too much, unless it carries on and you get loads of bleeding. I have had bleeding throughout, apparently everything softens when your pregnant and can cause bleeding sometimes. They told me to go to hospital if it gets worse or if it goes along with any pain. Pain to look out for is pain in your bum or shoulders apparently. But if you are very worried then go to the early pregnancy unit anyways and they will take bloods
I think it was anus.
Not sure as I went into a bit of a panic!
You always get told blood is bad!
Thanks guys.
Have text my midwife.
No pain at the mo but will keep an eye on it.
You might have haemarroids (sp?) which is very easily treated and common in pregnancy. They can bleed when you wipe your bum or push too hard iykwim.
Thanks guys
Went for a wee a min ago and nothing so calmed down a bit now!
Hey hun

I had terrible constipation (sorry tmi) in tri 1 and piles (again sorry tmi) which bled quite a lot! NICE! LOL

Thought might help to share.........I used pile cream and it cleared up xx
You can have piles a little way in, they don't necessarily poke out so you might not know you have them. I swear I pooed out a cactus earlier and I bled a bit to the fruit and veg shop then lol xxxxxxxx

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