Big baby!!!


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Sep 30, 2011
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Had estimate weighting scan on tues I was 36+5 and they estimatesd the baby at 7llb 3 meaning the possiblity of a 9llb 3oz at 40 weeks!!!! the head is measuring 2weeks bigger is this normal??

How has everyone elses scan went have the been accurate??

Also is there any safe way to ensure the baby doesnt put on too much weight??
Sometimes these estimated weight scans are way off so don't worry too much. My baby's head has been measuring bigger all along but my hubby is big so guess it takes after him. Food wise maybe just eat and drink healthily and stay away from high sugar foods?
Hey, I didn't see this post when I came on yesterday, only just seen it...

I had a growth scan just over 2 weeks ago, I was 36+1, so not as far along as you, and they estimated my LO at 8lb14!!!!! I just went white when they told me! I know there's a margin for error, but the sonographer who was also a midwife said that she was really happy with the angles, did a few different angles and everything and still got the same.

She was even doing a nervous laughter in shock! They said that there are no obvious problems so they won't intervene before my due date, I'm gutted! Have another growth scan on thursday to see if he's got even bigger, which I assume he will after 3 weeks! Then they'll have to see if they think he'll fit through my pelvis!

As for a safe way to make them not grow, I don't think there is one! I've been ill, anaemic, drinking loads of coke (supposedly that gives low birth weight) and still I have a giant!

Best thing is just to think how healthy they are!

Hey hun, I had a growth scan yesterday because of my diabetes and baby is already 4lb8 - two and a half weeks ahead of schedule!! Im hoping they might be slightly out lol x
wow! with growth scans I have been advised by alot of friends they have been know to be innacurate cus my babys growth is on the small side and people used to reassure me by saying 'oh they told me i was having a 10lb baby and was 9lb'' etc
When people talk about innacuracy i've picked up it sounds common for them to be out by a 1lb either way. I hope this aint the case that my baba could be a 1lb lighter and mine needs to be a lil heavier lol. Mine was measured at 6lb 3 nearly two weeks ago (they had put on 1lb in two weeks if scans right after not really growing for about 4 weeks)

In terms of head size if it was a prob they would properly monitor it bt think its tummy size they keep an eye on but prob if you were more like 4 weeks bigger or for weeks smaller as all our babys bake at different rates :)xxxxx

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