Big and confused...


Well-Known Member
Mar 10, 2011
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Ok... I've just got back from my 25 week midwife appointment, and I'm measuring big for my dates... 25 weeks measuring 28cm... She said she wants to "keep an eye on me"... What does measuring big mean pregnancy/baby wise? A little confused... xx
At 24 weeks I was measuring 28 weeks. Since then I have measured either 4 or 6 weeks ahead. My midwife sent me for a growth scan where they found I had excess fluid which is making me bigger than I should be.
I also had a GTT to test for diabetes which came back clear.
I now see my consultant for scans to check my fluid levels every fortnight and my midwife every week.
Both my MW and consultant have told me that sometimes women do just measure bigger. I don't hold much faith in measuring the fundal height though as every time I'm measured by someone different I measure completely different sizes!
Thank you... I was just like, oh ok I'm big... When she said it but then she got all serious and "we need to keep an eye on you" and it got me panicking :eek: Hopefully it'll just be excess fluid or something :) It's the first time I've actually been measured xx
Awww as Roo said i wouldnt worry - it could be fluid or it could just be a growth spurt. Most of us have times where we are ahead of or behind our dates growth wise and unless its a massive amount its just normal x
I've been measuring 2cms bigger than what i should be since the first time she measured me.. which unfotunetly i can't remember when that was. She said as long as its no more than 5cm then its fine. I dont rate getting measured that much as it can't be accurate, we are all different sizes and shapes.
ive been measuring a couple of weeks ahead for a while but the mw said shes not worried about it :)

i wouldnt worry hun, if they are concerned they will get you to have extra checks done

at the end of the day everyone is different and its not exactly the most accurate way to check things lol
Yeh she said she's going to see me more often until it gets either better/worse and go from there :) Thanks everyone... xxx

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