BHs are painfull!!


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2008
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I had a lovely long walk with DD and my best friend and her little one today into town which is quite far but it was a beautiful day and i got a juice as soon as i got there so i didnt get dehydrated. on the way i got a really strong Bh and worried my friend bless her but it eased off and we carried on just took it easy. we spent a few hours there, looked in a few shops and the big baby store, got a few bargains and a big tuna sandwich and walked back. when we got back i was starting to get really tired and quite sore my bump feels totaly different, its like shes really pushing out and low down and when i pee it feels like my moomoo is going to explode with all the preasure! :oops: :lol: its just very uncomfortable and iv lost count of how many Bhs iv had tonight. my bump is so tight and feels huge. is this just from the walk? i cant even hardly get off the sofa tonight its more of an out-of-breath rolling action and a screwed up red face :lol:
do any of you get this too? its a little worrying as iv been very active uptill now maybe i should slow down a little :think: i feel like im growing so much every day!

Also, iv been having really strange feeling to the left of my belly button and a little underneath. i dont know if this is babys foot or hand pressing against my skin but it really hurts you cant see anything but it feels really hart and sore any ideas?? :)
Hiya! I do get a lot of tightening and my tummy can go rock hard but its not painful as such, more uncomfortable. I usually give it a rub and it eases off. I do find i have to place my hands under my boobs (on the top of my bump) at times as baby appears to want to come out of my throat at times!!

Ive given up trying to guess which pains are normal and which arent.. pregnancy appears to be full of aches, pains and clicky joints!

Claire x
I dont get the BH but I get the horrible pressure hun! I didnt get BH with the others but "I think :think: " I have had 3 so far this time which is odd?! And they have been really painful but like I said only 3 and they may not have been BH?!
But that pressure thing I have had from about 24 weeks or so hun! I got it with the others at like 37 weeks lol so its been a pain but well only 9(+2) more weeks of it for me!! heehee
i have painful BH quite a lot (&after y consultant appointment today i know its not to do with labour), apparently if you have a lot, cant remember the number, then you need to rest. I also had to roll off the sofa last night & OH panicked as i had gone red doing it! I would probably give yourself a bit of a rest...
yeah last few days i've done absolutely nothing cos my belly has been rock hard and killin me... i think i over did it on friday and saturday - too much walking :? my energy levels plummetted and was much as i could do to keep me eyes open.. all combined with BH's comin in wave after wave, lots of pressure down below and feelin really really sick n all - feel good though for just resting and vegging out on sofa for a few days :) bored now so gonna go to town today lol :)

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