Bfp Tuesday miscarrying today :(


Well-Known Member
Sep 11, 2010
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As the title says, I am gutted we just got our heads around being pregnant and now its all been snatched away! To make matters worse my brother and his other half started induction process today so I am having regular updates and while she is contracting and going through labour I am loosing our little one :(
So sorry for your loss and what crappy timing. I dont have much advice but hugs xxx
Hey hun, same here, found out on tuesday n by the thurs i was miscarrying, bloody horrible n very cruel. Hope ur ok xxx
Im really sorry to read this! Xxxx
Aww Lou sorry u r going through the same! It's awful feels surreal
sorry to hear.......very bad timing (never a good time, but your situation does make it harder to bare)

I just had a chemical - bfp 31st March (11dpo) and bleeding started heavy 1st April! only had overnight to start thinking about it then it was gone.
Sorry to hear your news, esp with rubbish timing, you too lou. Hope its not too painful x
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Sorry to hear about your news. Hugs xx
Im so sorry about your mc , i had a chemical in feb and fell preg again next cycle, i really do think your much more fertile after a mc, so good luck with your ready again x x
Thanks ladies and I'm sorry for ur losses too, well my bro had a baby girl this am by emergency c-section. Pleased for them, but just feel really low in myself, got the call from them just after passing a massive clot so I'm guessing that was my little one gone! everyone says things happen for a reason so I'm hanging onto that was so hard speaking to my bro on phone as he was sooo excited and I haven't told him about me as want him to enjoy it and it not be shadowed by my loss, plus he didn't know I was pregnant anyway!
Awww bun I'm so sorry. What awful timing too, not there's ever a good time.
Sorry about you Lou and iwant3 too. It is so painful that mcs are so common. But sometimes things aren't developing correctly and it's nature's way of dealing with it.Fx for sticky beans very soon for you all xxxx
Thank u all for ur comments a quick question I'm on my third day of miscarrying bleeding is stopping but still cramping sore boobs and nausea vomited twice last two mornings is this just hormones reducing in level? I know there's no way I could still be pregnant as bleed was big and think I'm just clinging to hope anyone else experienced this?
Im still bleeding, did have cramps yesterday but no sickness or sore boobs at all hun xxx
I am sorry for all the losses, after 5 myself it is so cruel and unfair.

Are you sure that you have definitely mc'd hon? I remember all my symptoms disappearing before I started bleeding with all of mine x
Might be worth speaking to your doctor/midwife hun - they can refer you for a scan to see whats happening.

I lost all my symptoms before, that was how I knew things weren't going well.

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