Best Time to Test


Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2005
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Just wondering when is the best/earliest time to test when af is due?

Baby dust to all
If your AF is already due (so she hasn't arrived but is supposed to), then test anytime! If you mean what time of day is best, they say, at the very very early stages, first thing when you get up, but really, any time of the day is fine.

This is what I understand, anyway! I've never managed to have a postive test yet but of course still trying.
Margaret is right, if you think you're very early then it's best to test first thing in the morning. This is because your urine is more concentrated so there should be more of the pregnancy hormone available for detection.

When I was testing I waited a whole 5 days past the day I thought my period should have started and tested in the evening and had a very strong pink dot!
Hi shez

I tested 4 days after AF was due. I tested first thing in the morning with a clear blue digital which was positive. I wasn't convinced so I went to tesco and bought an ordinary clear blue (the one with the blue cross) and that was positive too. I know there are tests that can detect pregnancy 4 days before you even miss AF but I was having a break that month from TTC after many many months with no success, so I wasn't even really expecting to be doing a test let alone a positive one!

Good luck to you

Thank you for all your comments - much appreciated ladies - at the moment i am 3 days late so I'm trying to hold out as long as poss before testing again.

Take care Sheree

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