Best Disposable nappies


Well-Known Member
Jul 7, 2007
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I have got a fair few packs of Newborn Pampers nappies for when baby arrives but today i was looking in Tesco and their own brand were only £1.96 a pack.

What are the best disposables to use?

I remember when George was a baby that Huggies were rubbish. So I won't be using those.

Some people have said Aldi's own brand are really good - any recommendations?
For us personally we used the Huggies newborns and they were fine.. we only bought them as they were on offer with the parenting club at boots otherwise we would have probably got shops own brand ones. We got a couple of Pampers newborn samples but we just didn't get on with them.

I have heard off others that Pampers newborns are crap and Huggies newborns are fine, but Huggies 2+ sizes are crap and Pampers 2+ sizes are fine. So we used Huggies newborns, and Pampers for size 2 upwards. We had a few packs of Tesco size 2's and they were fine.
I hated huggies and used pampers

using reusables this time though, but got some eco friendly disposables as well
I haven't even given the re usuable ones a thought. I might look into it and give them a try.
In the beginning we were using Huggies, but when daniels poos got bigger-Pampers. And they are great!
I used tesco newborn with no problems but what suits one mum and baby may not suit another. I also used Boots and Pampers newborn. I had no problems with any of these brands. I had some samples of Huggies newborn but felt that on my little girl, the fit for her was not brilliant so never bought any Huggies. It is mainly Tesco nappies we have used and she is now 6 months and I am pleased with them. We use the active fit. We tried the Tesco 12 hour version but the fit on her is not that great so at night I use boots 12 hour nappy.
im using huggies newborns at mo and not having an issues with them , cant advise about any toher size yet ! altho ive got a pack of size 2 in huggies already i know others have said pampers are better when there bigger . plus i dont think anyone had moaned too much about tesco own
Everyone will have different opinions on disposable nappies because everyone's LO's are a different a size and shape. You are best off buying a few different brands to see which ones you get on with best. I personally havn't had many problems with any of the brands. I usually buy Pampers or Huggies if they are on offer and if not I buy the supermarket brand from wherever I happen to be shopping at the time.
Tescos newborn were fine, but pampers werent all that, when she had a runny shit it would come out of the back and out of the legs, so we have stayed put with tesco nappies and there brilliant and were on size 3 now. Though when you get to siz ethree i think the design is actually better.
Pampers all the way!!

Have tried Tesco own but didnt like them, and mum has Aldi ones in for when she minds Rubes but nothing compares to the absorbancy (sp?), or the fit of Pampers for me..
definatly pampers i tried huggies but didnt like them so im sticking with pampers :D :D
Huggies were and still are brilliant with Nathan - Never had a problem and the one time I tried pampers they leaked and he always felt damp in them.

This time I've bought huggies and pampers incase this baby is different and get's on with pampers better :)
I am planning on using Nature bio-degradable nappies for the 1st few weeks then move onto re-usables.
tescos own were fab when bam was ickle, as they have a lil "flap" at the back, which if ur breastfeeding is great for runny poo :D :lol:
we used huggies and pampers to start but then switched to tesco baby essentials and have never had any problems with them plus they are cheaper which is always a bonus. :D
i like pampers the best, and boots do a very good pampers imitation.

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