Best age gap between LO's?


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2005
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Me and DH were discussing when we would start trying for baby number 2 and decided we would start trying when Maddison was a year old. If I got pregnant straight away then Maddison would be 1 year 10 months-ish when 2nd baby was born. Is this a good age gap or is it better to have a bigger gap between them? What age gaps do all the mummies out there have between their LO's and how do you find it? Thanks :hug:
14 months between mine and it's hard work, think it would have been easier if I'd waited til there was at least 2 years. But then with having more than one it's always going to be harder :lol:
2 minutes between Beth & Tom...hard work :rotfl:

8 years between the twins and Sam..a godsend :D

If I hadn't have had twins, I would have loved a small age gap say around 2 years between them. I would love to get pg again now but I would have to give up my course and this is my last chance so will have to wait a while :?
I think there are pros and cond to all the age gaps. I have 4 years 3 months between my two and I think this is a fab age gap. Means daughter is at school so I get one on one with son and when she comes home I can give her lots of attention so I don't feel anyone is missing out. However I would like another one and this time I hope the age gap is between 2 and a half to 3 years. Have to convince hubby to go for number 3 :wink:
there's no 'good' or 'bad' age gap.

My second DD came along just twelve months after DD number one. It wasn't planned like that and it was hard work, but I wouldn't have it any other way. We have a three year gap before Sam came along and I'm rushed off my feet these days. I'm whacked out but it's fantastic! Nobody misses out and the kids all get along so well (most of the time!)
Do whatever works for you! :hug:
Kina said:
14 months between mine and it's hard work, think it would have been easier if I'd waited til there was at least 2 years. But then with having more than one it's always going to be harder :lol:

nah, its not that much easier. If I remember right wasnt ella quite strong willed like Jessica.
Although I love the 2 LOs I wouldn't recommend having 14 months age gap. It is really hard work and I just always feel guilty! Its good in a lot of ways like having all the baby stuff already to hand and them being really close :D In other ways though I feel they are both missing out cos I can't give them enough attention :( I would of loved to take Aimee to the beach and other days out this year but having Nathan so young it just wasn't worth all the hassle of it.
Snuggle said:
If I got pregnant straight away then Maddison would be 1 year 10 months-ish when 2nd baby was born.

There is 1 year 10 months between Lydia and Alex.

It's hard in some ways because Lydia is in her "terrible twos" now, so when she gets in a strop it's a pain trying to sort her out whilst dealing with a baby. Also she's not yet properly potty trained, so I have 2 bums to change.

BUT at the same time, I do think it's quite a good age gap in many ways. She is old enough to be 'mummy's little helper'. She gives Alex his dummy if he's crying, and fetches me his nappies and wipes, and if I'm busy I can ask her to play with him and keep him entertained, and she does.

Also she's young enough that it's not been a HUGE adjustment for her to have a new sibling. She accepted him very well. I think that if they're much older often they are very used to being an only child, so it can really throw them. At 22 monts though they are still young enough to adapt fairly smoothly.

I like the thought that they will grow up quite close in age too, so hopefully when Alex gets older they will be able to play together.

So yes it has its drawbacks, but the advantages outweigh the bad stuff :)
well stephens 3 and hasnt really accepted his sister fully, but he has problems anyway with his development :cry:

I wish i had had a baby while he was younger just so i could get it out of the way as such, a year apart for me would be perfect which is why il be ttc for numbe 3 soon so there isnt a big age gao.

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