bennefit help please...


Well-Known Member
Feb 25, 2011
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so heres the story, i was working in a warehouse but ever since my boss found out i was pregnant he was making my life a living hell, by making me lift and do things that it clearly said in my work pregnancy risk assessment not to do, making it a nightmare for me to go to work (he would literally take the piss out of me and i go to the toilet crying)! not to mention the long hours, from 1.00pm til 10-11pm with only one 15minute break and if the smokers were lucky theyd get a 5min smoking break and this is without sitting down. so in the end i quit and got a part time job waitressing in a pub, but after 2weeks of working there they started making excuses like they cant get me on the insurance as i am pregnant ??? (they have a 16weeks pregnant girl working there also) then said i couldn't work because of the floors in the kitchen etc.. bare in mind that when they hired me they new i was pregnant. anyways they let me go and left me on my ass :(. Does anyone know if there is any benefits i can claim under my circumstances? x
Hi saze, sorry to hear about your situation, your boss at the warehouse sounds a nightmare, i would have complained!! i'm not totally clued up on benefits, but i think it might be a good idea speaking to the citizens advice bureau, i had an appointment with them the other week and sat down and explained my whole situation and they were a really great help. They can tell you everything you are entitled to. :) xx
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oh wow your boss sounds horrible!! You could complain and get him into trouble. Why was he like that to you??

Sorry I don't know about the benefits much, but will need to find out soon myself. I am planning to go to a Jobcentre Plus, I believe they could help?
ino i should have done but i was nauseous, emotional and tired all the time didnt think i could cope with it all, am pissed of with myself now though! Nice one ill give them a call thanks alot scottishlassie xxx
i dont know, im not raciest or anything but he was a youngish asian and didnt seem to want and had a really bad temper and attitude xx
Hi Saze. You may be eligable for Tax Credits, Income Support or Job Seekers and if you claim unfair treatment because of pregnancy the 12 month rule doesnt count so you may be ok :)
Id ring Job Seekers Direct as they were great when I moved to Leeds and had to leave my job. x
Aw Saze I am sorry to hear that - what your old boss did was illegal and you should definitely mention it at the citizen's advice bureau (CAB) when you go to find out about benefits. My current workplace is similar so I know where you're coming from and that you felt too under par to deal with it - it's not a fair situation at all. Definitely go to CAB and get the advice you're entitled to xxx
No probs hun. I can see why you couldn't be bothered with the stress, the sickness and tiredness is enough to deal with. Yeah the CAB are really good and it's nice to have someone neutral who will tell you what your entitled to, also like sunny said mention your boss, there might not be anything you can do but it's deffo worth a mention just incase. I'm in a sticky situation myself and the CAB are really helping me out just now, they help fill out forms too for benefits :) bit less stress having someone help. Best of luck with it all saze xx
thanks everyone for the advice it helps alot knowing that it's not only me going through something like this! im going to phone CAB tomorrow and make an appointment with them, worth a try! :) xxx
thanks everyone for the advice it helps alot knowing that it's not only me going through something like this! im going to phone CAB tomorrow and make an appointment with them, worth a try! :) xxx

Best of luck hun and keep us posted! :hugs:


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