Benjamin Daniel, born at 33+4


Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2010
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Hi ladies,
Well its seems rather strange that i'm sat here writing this and my tickers says 35 weeks and Benjamin is already almost two weeks old!!!

After a trouble free 32+3 weeks of pregnancy its all went crazy!!!!
On tues 25th jan, i popped to the loo after working a morning shift and i was sat there minding my own business when..... gush.... my waters broke!!!! We rang up the hospital and they said to come in immediately, i was taken down to the delivery suit and put on a monitor and examined by a very rough doctor i might add (rough bitch) i was two cm dilated, i was getting mild contractions but nothing major, so it was decided to take me up to the ward where i stayed for a further three nights, as they thought labour was imminant. Any ways i didnt go into labour so i was sent home and had to go to the hospital every other day for examinations (my waters were continually leaking, i turned into the pad lady lol). I had to keep an eye on the liquid and ensure it was running clear, if there was any change at all i was told to come in immediately, (they were hoping to get me to around 36wks, and then be induced)!!
In the early hrs of Thurs morn 3rd Feb, again a nipped to the toilet, with mild pains and i was now bleeding badly. So we rang the hospital and was told to come in, again i was put on the monitor, and then transferred to the ward. Were i stayed. All day thurs i was being monitored i was still bleeding and getting contractions, visiting time came and went, by this stage i was in agony the blood was pouring, but the midwifes were to busy and wasnt being checked. I ended up ringing the buzzer in the toilet in almost histerics, the midwife came, i asked her if all this blood was normal... and you wont believe what she said.... "you have just had a baby, what do you expect"!!! OMG, anyways i obvioulsy said i hadn't had my baby yet!!! So she rushed me back to my bed, where i was checked by a not so rough doctor who informed me i was 6 cm dilated!!! So i had to ring my chap to come back in, by the time i got down to the delivery suit i was 7cm and had had no pain relieve what so ever!!!
The blood and waters were still pouring, my chap arrived i was crying cos the whole thing was such a cock up!!! Anyway i got my birthing nioghtie on and hit the gas and air around 1.00 in the morning of the 4th Feb!!! And how crap is that gas and air, my exact words were..."this is fucking shit""" lol lol!!! And i threw the crappy gas and air across the room!!!! I had the two injections in my leg, which made me throw up big stlye all over my chap and the midwifes three times lol!!! I was pushing for bloody ages, but eventually baby Benjamin Daniel was born at 5.20 am on the 4th Feb, weighing 4lb 3oz, he had to be resuscitated and was taken to NICU or SCBU. I eventually got to see him at 8.30 am, the poor little lamb!!!! H e was in NICU intensive care for two days and we had to stay in that god dam place for a futhur two weeks. But the care he got was fantastic they were brilliant, however my care was bloody shit!!!! Anyways we got home two days ago, and hes doing fab, hes just over his birth weight now after losing weight and going below 4lb!!! So onwards and upwards is what i say, and i dought i will be doing it again, the whole experience was traumatic!!!! Soz to put a downer on labour and giving birth!! But worth it now i have my tiny little lamb homexxxxx
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Poor you, what a nightmare!! Glad you're little boy is ok though hun!!

Congratulations! :) x
Glad your both ok congratulations Hun xx
God what a stress!! Congrats!! Glad that mw got puked on lol xxx
Congratulations sounds like you really had it rough xx
what an aboslute mare!! glad everything has picked up now!! enjoy him although im sure you are!! xxx
Cor wotta story!! Glad he is ok though xxx
god, how stressful!! they're all worth it once they're home though :) congratulations!! :love:
Sounds like you've had a very traumatic time but all well in the end. Massive congratulations and can't wait to piccies of little one. xxxx
Sounds very scary for you hun!

Congrats on your wee man though!!!!

x x x x
ahh what a time you have had Don Don. Huge congrats to you - so pleased your little man is here safe and well tho. Hospitals are horrible places sometimes, so glad your home
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I agree, sounds really traumatic for you, especially the lack of care for you on the ward. When I was in hospital there were so many different midwives coming and going , it was rare to see the same one twice, but I did feel they knew who I was and why I was in!! Glad you are both ok and you can fatten up your little one at home xxx
Sounds terrible for you hun, but congrats on your lovely lo xxxx
The things you have to go through eh!!! Glad you are both safe & well. My first birth was a total nightmare, but you do forget & when you hold your baby it makes it all worth while. Congratulations.

Sunnyb xxx
Goodness what a traumatic experience! So pleased that you and your little man are home safely xx
Thankyou ladies, we are due a weigh in on wed, I'm thinking we could be hitting the 5lb mark!!!

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