being sick after feeds?


Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2007
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our little man is now a week old :)

he's on sma gold, taking betweem 3/5 oz every 3/4 hours.. (hungry baby :lol:)

last night we gave him his last feed before bed around 12am, but when i lay him in his moses basket he brought it straight back up, projectile :( he's never done that before :( i got such a fright as well. his stomach must have felt really empty afterwards but he was so tired, so he would fall asleep for half an hour, and then wake up for a little bit of milk.. this went on until 4am, when he had some more milk and then fell asleep until 9:30am.

i spoke to our midwife today who said it sounds like he's had wind :( he seems to be a very windy baby, gets hiccups most feeds too. anyways, this afternoon, the same thing happened, he done the projectile vomit after a feed, and now he's dosing on and off again between small feeds.

just wondering if anyones experienced this kind of thing and for any tips? the midwife said he isn't poorly, he's really bright and alert, temperature seems fine etc. i hope this isn't going to be a daily thing because when he's sick like that, it terrifies me :lol:

thanks girls and sorry for the long post.. :hug:
I recently had the same problem. She vomited, then after was feeding almost hourly, being sick, then going to sleep. It went on for around 3 days then stopped. HV told me not to worry, but if in a week she was the same to take her to GP.
Maia has projectiled a couple of times when she was about 2 weeks old, I think she was being greedy and basically couldnt fit it all in her stomach, it had to go somewhere so it came back up.

I wouldnt worry too much, so long as hes having a little something half hour afterwards and not going for long periods without food.
Jacob still occasionally does this and it's usually because he has a lot of trapped wind. When I sit him up he is sick then does a huge burp :shock: It only happens now and again though.

Just see how he goes for the next few days, he may settle down again.

I know what mean about it giving you a fright though, I still jump when Ja does it now :lol:
My lo did this right from birth and I put it down to wind. 7 weeks later it got so bad that I took him to hospital and it turned out that he has reflux.

Keep an eye on your lo. It is too early to tell if it is reflux so I wouldn't worry about that just yet. It is most likely to be a bit of wind or maybe taking too much milk.

If you are not happy, insist your lo gets checked out but I ma sure it is nothing to worry about. x
Yes this happened to my LO, it was trapped wind and he projectiled everywhere. It was horrible! I also felt I had given him too much formula so reduced the amount and was extra careful winding him.
Has your HV recommended infacol or gripe water? Chester was the same at that age and he *seems* to have grown out of it now (fingers, toes, everything crossed). We gave him infacol before every feed, it takes about a week to work, but did seem to do some good.
Harriet was the same, we had to keep her uprright after each feed for about 1/2 an hour.

it could also be reflux, maybe go ask your dr for some baby gaviscon.

try and raise the head end of his bed higher, it will make him less likely to vomit
I really reccomend you trying Dr Browns bottles, paige would be sick after every feed until we got these for her, since shes been fine
thanks ladies, i've taken the feeding advice - taking the bottle from him every ounce and burping him, it seems to be working so far, he hasn't been sick since yesterday afternoons feed :cheer:

fingers crossed :pray:
Ella went through a projectile vomiting stage too and we did what you are doing and it worked for us :) Hope it continues to work for you hun xx
Same happened to us - HV told us she was using the bottle to suck on for comfort, taking too much and then throwing it up because there wasn't enough room. It definitely followed because it always happened at the same time in the evening, she'd have a feed, settle, then get cranky and nothing else was wrong so we assumed she was hungry, gave her a bottle and she threw it all up again. A dummy helped us with this too, even though I was dead set against it before I met Mr. Colic.

The winding thing definitely helped us so it's great it's working for you too!
our midwife recommended infacol for summer, it does seemed to have helped
it happened again this afternoon - same time as yesterday afternoon funnily enough..

it's just frustrating because it throws everything out of balance, and then his feeds get a bit mixed up, he'll take small bits here and there, whilst sleeping on and off :(

does anyone think changing the bottles is a good idea? to prevent wind at least? we use avent ones atm.
sarafet said:
it happened again this afternoon - same time as yesterday afternoon funnily enough..

it's just frustrating because it throws everything out of balance, and then his feeds get a bit mixed up, he'll take small bits here and there, whilst sleeping on and off :(

does anyone think changing the bottles is a good idea? to prevent wind at least? we use avent ones atm.

Sounds EXACTLY like our first three weeks at home, only it happened to us in the evening! I think I was just assuming because she was upset and was clean that she needed feeding so I stuck a bottle in her mouth, even if her last feed had been an hour ago. Do you find it happens quite soon after a previous feed?

I've heard good things about Dr Brown's bottles from a lot of people but haven't tried them myself because they don't come cheap at £10 for 2.
sarafet said:
it happened again this afternoon - same time as yesterday afternoon funnily enough..

it's just frustrating because it throws everything out of balance, and then his feeds get a bit mixed up, he'll take small bits here and there, whilst sleeping on and off :(

does anyone think changing the bottles is a good idea? to prevent wind at least? we use avent ones atm.

as ive said Dr Browns worked for Paige, and she was previously on Avent too.
daftscotslass said:
sarafet said:
it happened again this afternoon - same time as yesterday afternoon funnily enough..

it's just frustrating because it throws everything out of balance, and then his feeds get a bit mixed up, he'll take small bits here and there, whilst sleeping on and off :(

does anyone think changing the bottles is a good idea? to prevent wind at least? we use avent ones atm.

Sounds EXACTLY like our first three weeks at home, only it happened to us in the evening! I think I was just assuming because she was upset and was clean that she needed feeding so I stuck a bottle in her mouth, even if her last feed had been an hour ago. Do you find it happens quite soon after a previous feed?

I've heard good things about Dr Brown's bottles from a lot of people but haven't tried them myself because they don't come cheap at £10 for 2.

i think he's genuinly hungry being honest, he usually goes 3/4/5 hours between feeds, and it seems to be if he takes anything over 4oz or if he doesn't burp a few times during the feed. the midwife is coming today so i'll see what she thinks about it.

when feeding him, i'm trying to keep him upright, make sure the teat is filled with milk, that he's not just sucking on air.. to prevent wind :| it works most feeds..

thanks girls - i'll have a look at the dr brown bottles, they may be worth the money if they help :)
daftscotslass said:
A dummy helped us with this too, even though I was dead set against it before I met Mr. Colic.

Thats spot on for me too!
have been using infacol since yesterday and funnily enough he hasn't been sick since we started :think: midwife says it usually takes a week or so for it to start working though?

fingers crossed :pray:

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