Being Organised...


Well-Known Member
Sep 23, 2008
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Is anyone else finding that all of a sudden you have this urge to be super organised?! I've just been printing off my maternity allowance application form and birth plan. I have also made so many lists of what to buy for baby! It's weeks away thing I'll be packing my hospital bag I bet lol! :)
Yes, although I am 30 weeks and up until Saturday just gone all I had for LO was one top!!! We went to Mother Care world and bought more or less everything we need. Just need a pram and car seat and a few bits and peices so am feeling more organised now!!!!!!

Hehe I'm sat here making lists and phone calls! Seeing the midwife later today, she's going to get bombarded. I can just see her face now when I say..... "I've been reading on the internet......" :D
Aww your building your little nest for little one.. lol. Bless! I'm too busy with work to think about getting organised but not long after I fell pregnant I started getting things prepared... I bought everything I needed. Now I just need to get OH to sort out the spare room!!!! :D
Little one has loads of clothes already and I've had to throw some of my pre-pregnancy stuff out to make room! She even has her own storage box under the bed for her things lol! :lol:
I am desperate to be more organised, and worrying that I am not being organised, but it's all running around in my head.

Finally we're getting the pram and car seat ordered today, and we made a list at the weekend of everything we need to get, so will have to do it gradually with each payday.
Just wish money was no object and I'd have had it all done by now!

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