Blind Panic Last Night hahaha

My homemade list. I'm definitely not taking alot because they don't really like you taking loads.. it takes up so much space. Hospitals might even have rules about the type of bags?? :think:

For me:
Shower stuff / Tooth brust etc
Make up
Going home clothes
Labour night dress
Dressing gown
Breat pads
Maternity pads
Magazines / snacks

For baby:
4 baby grows
4 vests
scratch mits & hats
2 Blankets
Car seat
Maybe a first teddy :)
Nappy cream / wipes
Mrs B, What type of bags have you been looking at anything nice? I might start off with the bag!!!! :lol:

When i had my son I didnt have a huge bag for hospital, as I had such a long labour hubby was backwards and forwards from home anyway. I would say pack more knickers than you think you need as I bled loads afterwards and it finds its was over the sides of the pads. Forget plastic knickers, they always mention them in books but just get a cheapy pack from primark and then throw them afterwards. Mints and breath fresheners are good to have as if you have had an epidural and cant get to the sink you will want to brush your teeth, so its a good way of being fresh.

Dont bother with baby outfits, just babygros are all thats needed, and a little coat for baby depending on time of year of course. Maybe an ipod? I didnt have one last time but I might take one this time, prob will stay in the bottom of the bag though hehe.

I will take a bottle of sterigel for people to use before they touch me or baby, theres so much on tv about superbugs that until they rub some in the hands aint going nowhere near us!!!!!
ohhhhhh the bag is gorgeous!! Can always use it afterwards aswell!!! :D

I might have to have one of these!!!! :dance:
yeah thats wot i thought, there will be cheaper ones on there but i want one I will use after will be handy for when the grandparents have little one as well for putting his stuff in lol
Oh hun you have ages to think about it yet..........dont panic!

I started to pack mine at 32 weeks, and its still only half packed now!! :D
Aida said:
Mosquito net

Where do they think we're planning to give birth - the tropics? :lol:

I'm not even thinking about this sort of thing yet. Should I be? :?
Well i can honestly say that i didn't take half as much as those lists in books tell you to.

The most important things are: a birthing nighty, clean p.j's,light dressing gown, loads of knickers, loads of sanitary towels, comfy clothes to come home in, hair brush and bobble, facecloth, toothbrush/paste, socks. Money about £10 should do.
nappies, vests, 4 sleepsuits, going home outfit, coat and hat for baby. I used baby wipes like simple to wipe his bum.

They say you have to use cotton wool and water to clean the poo, but its dead sticky!! I have always used gentle baby wipes and have never had a problem.

You are likely to be in hospital for less than 24 hours unless you have a c section, so if you need anything else family can bring it!

I have a bag half packed incase i start to bleed, its only overnight things for me in...i haven't even bought anything for baby yet!
I'm officially freaked out now. I've spent the day in town with MiL just looking at stuff. We've agreed to hit the sales after Christmas. There's just so much to get!

*runs away scared and buries head in the sand* :lol:
Things I packed in my labour bag which I used alot were:-

Crisps! It was handy to have some crisps so that when I was a bit peckish (or hubby was) then we could have a quick snack.

Lucozade energy sweets!! These were so refreshing after the birth and really helped to get my sugar levels back up.

Digital camera....sooooooo important for those first piccies!!

My Nintendo DS, I took this to pass the time and was great before the contractions got too strong.

A pair of shorts for hubby...the hospital can get quite hot!!

Things I packed that I never used:-

Disposable pants. I just packed these cos they were on the 'list' but never used them, just used my own!

Baby wipes; was not allowed to use these in hospital, but did a couple of weeks after baby was born, although this time will probably start when we get home.
pickled_onion said:
Aida said:
Mosquito net

Where do they think we're planning to give birth - the tropics? :lol:

I'm not even thinking about this sort of thing yet. Should I be? :?

:rotfl: I don't know hun honest.

My mum says that when I was a baby she covered my cot thinking I'd be safe and didn't realise there was a mosquito trapped INSIDE the net, and the following morning she found me covered in bites !! Poor me :lol:

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