Aw, poor thing. It must be exausting waiting when the induction is slow. Hope things kick off before too long. Do you know how long they will wait before deciding on a CS? I'm thinking if induction doesn't work they won't send her home to try later because of being concerned about the baby?
Sorry I've not been able to update, thanks Becky..
I'm at 1.5cm cervix is high and thick they've taken pessary out now as it's been 24hours.. Feel like such a failure
Thanks ladies.. Gonna have my waters broken and put on the drip which I didn't really want so scared and tired... Feel like just crying didn't want the epidural again but I may have to
Big hugs hun. Fingers crossed they'll try breaking your waters and seeing how it goes before giving you the drip. And please don't feel like a failure, you most definitely aren't xxx
Thanks ladies.. Gonna have my waters broken and put on the drip which I didn't really want so scared and tired... Feel like just crying didn't want the epidural again but I may have to
Nope.. Still 1cm contracting and no progress.. Been busy up in delivery so I'm still waiting for my waters to be broken.. Can't have the gel as I'm contracting and the drip has been taken out of the equation too.. Just need my waters broken which is gonna be hard work as it is.. I want then to break naturally so I can just labour and have my baby with me it's so skinny one mw thought the bum was the head because it was so boney
Thank you all for your support ladies xx
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