Being Induced Tomorrow......


Well-Known Member
Apr 1, 2011
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Hey girlies, I thought I would let you all know that there will be a potential labour thread at some point tomorrow all being well.

I am currently awaiting a call from hospital to confirm what time I need to be there at to be induced. The plan is that I will get the pessary gel.

I am so hoping it works! As it stands I have had 2 sweeps, cervix is soft but posterior and I am 2cm dilated.

Franna85 is my text buddy so she will keep you all informed - am hoping I still have reception in the hospital!

I am feeling ok about it, not panicking just yet. Had a sleepless night last night as the curiosity of whether I am having a girl or boy just totally overwhelmed me!

Over and out for now! xxxx
Goodluck hunny, will be looking out for your labour thread x x

Good luck, I'll be thread watching tomorrow
Lots of good luck for tomorrow. Cant wait to read your story

Best of luck with tomorrow, hope all goes well and can't wait to hear what you have.
Thanks girls! I am STILL waiting on them to call me to confirm a time for me to go in grrrrr!
give them a ring if it gets later !! i pestered them for a time for my induction ! was fed up of waiting !! and GOOD LUCk !!! xxx
Good luck!

Plenty of rest for you tonight... although im sure you are faaar too excited!

Woo hoo, labour watch!! Best of luck honey x
I am STILL waiting on hospital to call! I am going to give them another wee while then I will call them and try not to sound too pissed off and impatient in my manner!
That sucks, hope they call you soon and tell you to go in straight away :). As I said before, best of luck with today :)

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