Beginning of the end


Well-Known Member
Jun 14, 2010
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Hello wise ones!!

We're back from our holidays and it's time to start the weaning off the boob! I go back to work at the end of October and have decided that I don't want her to be so dependent on me. She'll be 9 months so I'm chuffed I got so far!

So, how do I start?! Lol. I've just given her a 5oz btl, that I really had to keep going to get her to take 4, she fell asleep briefly, but am now bfing her as well as a top up.

How many bottles of how much should I be giving her when?!

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Can't advise im afraid Hun as Tegan was put onto special formula when i stopped breastfeeding due to allergy & never Drunk the recommended amount! just wanted to say well done for carrying on for so long, you should be proud of yourself Hun xx
Definitely well done! I need to think about this as well. Got to 11 months and returned to work 6 weeks ago. It's hard but I got Isla to only have morning and evening boob, and milk during the day; it works really well for us xx

Thimk I may be joining you soon m only cut her first tooth yesterday but she keeps biting me :(

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Thimk I may be joining you soon m only cut her first tooth yesterday but she keeps biting me :(

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Isla did that for a few weeks but now with 8 teeth she doesn't bite at all. When she bit me I pulled her away and said no. She didn't like that her milk got took of her x

When jasper used to bite me, I would push him in an suffocate him with my boob a bit and then put him on the floor... He soon learnt not to hurt the mummy x
I don't think she even knows she's doing it as she cries the moment she does it because I wince and she doesn't understand why she's only have 2-3 feeds now so think I will see how it goes as I'm away for a weekend in november and my parents are having her so I'll see if she goes back on boob if not we would have done 9 months x

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Sophia's very good and doesn't bite, I just don't know how much I should be giving her and when!
I think that at 7 months you should be feeding pretty much on demand but also thinking about how to up other things to make her want milk less. So she might want a bit of a drink with every meal of just water and that will stop her feeding off you when she is thirsty. She might want some more cheese or something in with her diet which will also stop her feeding off you so much. They go through stages though, Jasper is 14 months and still probably feeds 4 or 5 times a day (albeit not for very long) sometimes, sometimes its just a quick feed in the morning and then one before bed.

all depends really :) Breastmilk is the very best thing they can have in their bodies so i doubt you will be able to give her too much of it.
I would carry on demand feeding, but there's only two weeks left until she goes to nursery, and I still don't really know how many bottles I should be giving her.

And when can I stop giving her formula and start on cows milk?
I was told cows milk at 12 months, but if it was a few weeks early it wouldn't be so bad. So Isla has been having cows milk during the day, then booby morning and evening.

I stopped feeding on demand at 8 months, i got her in to a strict morning and evening routine, and offered water and snacks between meals.
can you express for her once a day until she goes back to nursery? if you can express a feed in the morning and a feed in the evening until then, and then express once or twice in the day when shes at nursery you should have more than enough for them to give her

cows milk at 12 months :)

Jasper has loads of cows milk bless him, he loves it warm before he goes to sleepies and it means he is settled in his cot and ready for bed :)
Well done Jenni 9 mths is fantastic!

If it helps, when Devon turned 8 mths 1st of sept, he and I dropped his mid morning boob, after lunch boob and afternoon boob. All I did was give him a banana (well half of one) and water in beaker instead at 1030 promt and also at 230 prompt and we went out after lunch if he seemed funny about it. And within a couple of days we were down to only 5/6am boobs and bedtime boobs at 630 ish, it's brilliant - but warning you my periods then came back on the 5th oct, just a month later!!

So with that routene, you could go back to work and still BF for a few more months if you wanted, although my milk supply is much smaller, I don't leak ever, never need boobie pads, and never feel a let down reflex anymore, no extra vest underneath is needed for discreat BF when out and so very managable.
Well done Jenni 9 mths is fantastic!

If it helps, when Devon turned 8 mths 1st of sept, he and I dropped his mid morning boob, after lunch boob and afternoon boob. All I did was give him a banana (well half of one) and water in beaker instead at 1030 promt and also at 230 prompt and we went out after lunch if he seemed funny about it. And within a couple of days we were down to only 5/6am boobs and bedtime boobs at 630 ish, it's brilliant - but warning you my periods then came back on the 5th oct, just a month later!!

So with that routene, you could go back to work and still BF for a few more months if you wanted, although my milk supply is much smaller, I don't leak ever, never need boobie pads, and never feel a let down reflex anymore, no extra vest underneath is needed for discreat BF when out and so very managable.

I'm the same, no "full" feeling at all. I don't even express in the day whilst at work, when I'm entitled to do it.

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