Beginning of pre eclampsia???


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2016
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Hello all, I'm currently 31 weeks pregnant, over the last few days been having terrible headaches with visual disturbance. Went to gp and my bp was 150 over something, can't remember the other number. Normally my bp is 110-120/70. Urine was checked and no protein found. This is the second spike in bp I've had in a week. Was sent to the hospital and lowered back to 130 then back to my normal bp, baby was monitored etc on ctg and all ok, bloods all ok, urine checked again, all ok. So was sent home but told bp will need to be monitored more in the community and in the meantime to watch out for other signs/symptoms. So basically what I'm asking is can you have spikes in bp before pre eclampsia really takes a hold? My bp never goes up normally, if anything goes down. Thanks in advance for any advice or experience on this. X x
You've made everyone aware and they take pre eclampsia very seriously, so I'd say it is more than likely down to the heat and probably dehydration. They'll keep and eye on you, and you keep in contact if you have any concerns at all. Try to relax as much as you can this weekend Xx
Thanks diamond for replying, I appreciate it. Still feeling very strange in my head, like it's going to explode and just not with it at all. Drinking so much water I could turn into a tap and paracetamol do nothing. Maybe it's just the heat making me feel off! Will have bp and urine checked again on tues so until then I suppose! X x
Please give your midwife a call, you're obviously worried lovely and feel pretty rubbish from what you've said. They're there for you when you feel like something is off, don't put it off Xx
I would feel like a drama queen if I phoned up again! They'd be like oh it's her again! Just lying down now to see if I feel any better after that, fingers crossed! X x
Youre expected to be a drama queen at this point :) i know i am at times. The heat is making me feel woozy as well so it definitely.could be that, but still if you are worried its better to be safe than sorry! That being said, youre in good hands. Have you tried keeping the back of your head wet? I find that keeping a cold wet cloth with me helps a lot.
When I had my 7 year old I was admitted at 39 weeks for high BP. They gave me a tablet which reduced it and I was fine, it started creeping back up a week later so was re admitted for monitoring over night at 40+5. My waters broke that night and he was born at 41 weeks. They never mentioned pre eclampsia as the original spike was a one off and no protein present in my urine for the entire duration of my pregnancy.
If you are still concerned though, call your MW or MAU, that's what they're there for. They would rather you call them than sit at home worrying about it xx
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