Been to the hospital


Well-Known Member
Sep 4, 2011
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I have spd :roll:. I'm also still having random contractions but not enough to put me in proper labour.......and????????

Went to triage first of all, saw a lovely midwife who was juggling 3 ladies in full labour so she sent me down to day assessment. Waited for about an hour and couldn't hold my pee in any longer so went to the loo.....and heard my name called :roll: lol. Got checked over and monitored, broke the first monitor which they didn't realise for 45 minutes so had to have it done again :roll: and I managed to squeeze out a bit more pee which tested fine.

Anyway, the mw I saw was very sweet and said they don't do inductions for spd. I said that's fine and even though I have cysts and an injury to my back I still would like to do things naturally. She looked at me lol and said "come back next monday and we'll give you a sweep". Our community mw's don't do sweeps until 41 weeks apparently but the consultant will. She seemed a bit annoyed that treating my spd had been left down to me and said there's no way I would now get a referral to have a belt fitted by physio within the next month so that's out of the question. I've also been told I can't use my ball which has really pissed me off as it's the only place I am comfortable now. Been prescribed codeine and lactulose so I don't get constipated again.

All in all I feel a bit deflated tbh but Albert's ok and that's the main thing. What I am most worried about is going into labour and being just too exhausted to do anything and it ending in a c-section. Fx for some sleep tonight xxxxxxxxxxx
Take the drugs hun, they'll help you rest at night.


Sorry you arent in proper labour. Sounds like it could happen at any time though?
Wishing you all the sleep in the world. Hopefully the painkillers will work and your just zonk out for hours to make up for lack of zzzzz's. Hope it all gets a bit easier for you x
Would you believe it, the doctor didn't fill out the prescription properly so the pharmacist won't issue the codeine. Just tried to ring DAU and they are now closed for the day and no-one will take responsibility for a prescription that's not theirs obviously :wall2:
Aaaaah no way.

Can you go to the GP? Or a walk in centre?
Tbh hunny I am so exhausted today I just can't be arsed. I'll ring in the morning and they can ring the pharmacist, one more night isn't going to make a difference I suppose. Hopefully I've worn myself into a night of sleep anyway xxxxxxxxxxx
Head bashing time!! God how bloody incompetent can these people be??!!! I suggest a sit in at your local pharmacy til they comply - then blame it on the hormones!! Good news about the earlier sweep though - maybe that will get things moving...
Yeah helly roll on next monday if I haven't been able to shift him before then xxxxxxxx
Good grief, sounds stressful. Why does everything have to take so long?! Tomorrow i'll be on my third appointment in a week. Hoping baby Bertie shifts soon for you and you can relax and get comfy tonight xx
Aww chin up hun, Albert's not ready yet. Codeine is good and don't worry about a c section, if it's your last resort, I can honestly say that for me it's been a very positive experience xxxx
Aww. Bb hope u get some rest tonight. Great news about the sweep though least u have a plan in place if Albert doesn't decide to move any time soon xx
Would you believe it, the doctor didn't fill out the prescription properly so the pharmacist won't issue the codeine. Just tried to ring DAU and they are now closed for the day and no-one will take responsibility for a prescription that's not theirs obviously :wall2:

Bloody typical! thinking of you hun x
Thanks girls :hug: xxxxxxxxx

I've managed to sleep, a friend of ours works for a different pharmacy and was able to get me some codeine just for over night (1 pill) on the promise we get proper instructions today, they are holding the prescription for me and will issue the rest today. I could have snogged her face off lol. My OH has taken today off as well to look after me and sort out the prescription. Feel sooooo much better.

When my SIL rang us last night my OH said to her that it's getting to the point where we both just want him here. Bless him he's really feeling the stress now xxxxxxxxxx
I feel alot stronger thanks hun, it's surprising what a decent night's sleep can do lol. Winnie your avatar is so sweet :D xxxxxxxxx
Thanks bb that was took the first day harry was home, can't believe he's 9 days old already, hopefully bertie won't keep u waiting too long xx
I'm on the pineapple and salad today as had that last thursday and started getting contractions on friday so it might work lol. Going to try the clary sage oil today too :)
I just drank loads of RLT (even though I didn't end up needing it in the end!) I was like you I dreaded the thought of having a section but harry was having non of it! I can honestly say when it came down to it I'm glad I had the section because it means my little man is safe and happy! I'm disappointed that I didn't get to have a natural labour, but harry is so special I didn't really care at the time! :eek:pe bertie doesn't keep u waiting too much longer and is a good boy and doesn't cause u too much trouble! :) xxx

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