Been to see Gyno


Well-Known Member
Jan 1, 2007
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:wave: Hi ladies just thought that I would let you know that I went to see the Gyno Yesterday for my irregular cycles and they think I have pcos :( I have to go back next Wednesday for a ultrasound and then when AF arrives next I have to book in for a HSG and take things from there.

I not sure how to feel at moment In one way I am pleased that things are moving to get sorted but in another way I am scared that they will find something worse. On a + my last cycle was 40 days :cheer: instead of 167.

I am not expecting any replys just really needed to write it down.
Hi A&J I was going to ask you how your long cycles were going I often think about you and you 167 day wait :(

Do you have to wait for the results of your ultrasound and AF/HSG before they can diagnose?

I hope everything goes ok for you, update us when you find out please xx
:wave: Hi ejjie

That was a mad cycle my 167 days :roll: I did ask yesterday if I got a medal for longest cycle but no as she had someone in not long ago that had no AF for over 2 years :eek: :eek:

Yes I have to wait for results of ultrasound and HSG before they can diagnose as it is 1 of 3 types of pcos. I can not have the hsg until at least cd10 of next cycle though and we are banned from bding from cd1 until the hsg :wall: :wall: Think I am just going to have a month off ttc that month I am just feeling so down at moment about it all and just found out today that a friend is pregnant which I am happy for them.

:hug: :hug:
Oh I am sorry to hear this A&J. I really hope they can sort something out for you :hug: Please dont lose hope though hun, a woman I know with PCOS has just found out she is pregnant so its not hopeless at all. Have a nice chilled out month off, get drunk and eat crap and then get back to it next month, I reckon it will make you feel so much better!
Big hugs hun :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: Hope the time goes fast until your ultrasound and HSG and you get the results you want :pray: :pray: :hug: :hug:
Hey A&J - It's good that they are getting things moving along for you. I hope you get some answers soon :hug:
aww Thanks girls for the kind words you lot are really fantastic. :hug: :hug: :hug:
Hey hon, I had an HSG last Monday and they told me that after the test/xray, I/you will actually be 30% more fertile for a couple of months. The HSG also is used as a therapy to open up and clean out the fallopian tubes. They also said that the contrast/dye they put in you will help the cilia in the tubes stand up and help the egg to safely move through for fertilization. So excited for you!

Chin up! You are on your way to getting your BFP! Just another stepping stone my dear! :cheer:
Thanks for that sandee I was worried about the hsg but now I am wanting it now :rotfl: I feel much better today was just having a really bad day yesterday. xx :hug: :hug:
I hope they get things sorted for you soon, at least if you have a diagnosis etc they can then treat it.

Fingers crossed for you.
great you are getting a few tests done all the best for good results and a bfp very soon x x :hug:
:wave: hey a&j i really hope everything goes well for you! lots and lots of baby dust coming your way! :pray: xx
im glad your feeling a bit better now. take care :hug:
:wave: hi sweetie, I have just seen your post. Sorry to hear you might have PCOS. It can be quite easily treated with lots of different drugs so don't worry. I felt preggo 2 months after they found out I have PCOS. I am so glad that things are moving forward for you.. I know what long wait feels like.. Let us know how you get on and :cheer: for 40 days :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
:hug: :hug: :hug: Petra xxxx

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