Been to first NCT class...


Well-Known Member
Nov 29, 2006
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I waas nervous this morning, a bit like my first day at school....but it was good, much better than I was expecting and the other people were all lovely :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

Is anyone else going or has been to NCT?
I've been to 2 classes. I was a bit nervous too but knew we'd made the right decision to sign up almost immidiately. The people are all really nice and we were able to set our own agenda for the 8 weeks sot hat we could cover things which we wanted to find out more about.

Last week was all about what happens in labour- an eye-opener for some of the dads which was funny to see!
I went to the NCT classes too and made some great friends! We meet up every week for coffee or lunch, its good to chat with others who are going through the same thing as you.

Two of the girls had their babies early at 37 weeks so now we have two experts in the group who can advise us when the big day final arrives.
I went to them and they were fab and the other 4 couples were lovely and we meet up all the time- there is just us and one other couple left waiting to pop
Is this the same as parent craft? I start mine on the 28th Im really really scared.
Rachel21 said:
Is this the same as parent craft? I start mine on the 28th Im really really scared.

It is a similar thing to parent craft, yes. Don't be scared, there will be lots of women feeling just like you do, I am sure you will really enjoy it! :hug:
glad you enjoyed it :D We're going to the nhs one, but more for the social aspect
Im really bad around new people. I freak out and my words come out all muddled. I'll have my OH there for support but hes twice as shy as me. I know this sounds dumb but what do they teach you?
Rachel21 said:
Im really bad around new people. I freak out and my words come out all muddled. I'll have my OH there for support but hes twice as shy as me. I know this sounds dumb but what do they teach you?

Aww, you will be fine, I bet there will be others feeling the same. you will soon get to feel a bit more comfortable.

As for what they teach you...I found a bit if text on another site which says it better than I can....

Antenatal classes are designed to prepare you for childbirth. Also called parentcraft classes, they show you practical techniques such as relaxation, breathing and postures for labour and birth, babycare and breastfeeding etc.
They provide the following benefits:

* help discuss problems that you may be experiencing

* provide an informal and relaxed atmosphere for discussion

* you get an opportunity to learn from experiences of others

* teach techniques of childbirth

* provide information on pain relief in labour

* prepare you for the delivery

* prepare you for parenthood by discussing babycare

* discuss your own health after the birth.

* discuss emotions surrounding pregnancy. birth and the early post natal period.

* provide an opportunity to meet other prospective parents

I think most people go to these mainly for the social side. It is good to meet other people in your area who are having a child at the same time.

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