Been in hospital and had to leave Bambino


Well-Known Member
Jun 14, 2005
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Man last week was crap. I collapsed at the docs surgery and was taken to hospital in an ambulance. Don't know what was worse being in agony (suspected apendicitis) or the worry of what will happen to Dominic as I have never been away from him for longer than two hours and I still breast feed!!!

I was kept in hospital for three days and luckily put in a side room of my own so I could feed Dom twice a day when my husband brought him in.

To say it was the most stressful time ever is an understatement. My DH was amazing and did a fab job of looking after Dom, but being ill with a baby is bloody scarey and I hope I don't go through that again.

I am ok now but have caught a cold, still it's better than being in hospital so I will never be bothered about colds again.

Anyone else had to go into hospital for themselves and not their baby?

OMG that must've been awful for you. I've never been in that situation thankfully but i can imagine it to be so upsetting.

Hugs to you and well done to you and family for coping with it. Glad you getting better x-x-x
glad your on the mend.

I went in at six weeks and chucked a major wobbler when Stuart had to pick the older ones from school and get my night stuff and they wouldn't let Alex stay with me. It was only 3 hours, but I sat bawling my eyes out. They kept offering me 'something to calm me down'. At the end of evening visiting, I started getting stressed again, so they discharged me. I don't think the security bloke could have handled a hormonal post natal stresshead!!!
Sprry to hear about your ordeal... not good about the cold now, but at least you're back home and on the mend.
I'm lucky that I haven't had such an experience. It scares me so much. :shock:
Anyway - good to see you back again.
Get well soon - feet up and plenty TLC!! :wink:
Emilia xx
god that must have been so hard living dominic, i would have been terrible a bit like tracy lol
hope u r feeling better soon
I had to leav Jack when he was 2 weeks old as i had a miajor bleed and was rushed to hospital in an ambulance.
It was retained placenta and had to stay in for 2 nights, then let me home to come back the following day to have an op to remove it so i was in all that day to.

They were good and said Jack could stay with me while i was in at all times but it's not a place for him to be so he was at home with Andy and Amy, i hated it :(
OMG! You never told me you passed out!

What a nightmare!

You poor thing.

Thanks for the chat about the feeding the other day it really really helped.

Sar :D
Thanks for all your kind words. I am back on the mend now but paranoid incase I collapse again. I have an ultrasound on Monday to further check things out and don't worry am not pregnant ;)

No probs Sarah darling, will give you a buzz later, been meaning to find out how you are getting on :)


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