been for my appointment


Well-Known Member
Mar 22, 2007
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Well, ive been up most the night trying to get this little sod to move.. was in the bath at 4 am cos that normally works, but no joy!

Im at the consultants at 9.25am so im going to ask him then about movements etc, normally hes so wild and hes just so quite, not his self. :think: .

also am going to ask about seeing someone for physio for what i believe is spd, its much better this morning, typical isnt it your in agony all weekend, you wait to see someone and it eases.. glad it has thouh but want to start ball rolling incase i get it back again..

Im hoping they take some blood today to check my iron levels as 2 weeks ago they were very low, still feel dizzy etc, but hoping its down to blood preasure issues...

anyway will let you know later when i get back how it went!

bye for now

Ok ive been back and im dead happy..

given a date for the new arrival of 17th july :cheer:

took my bloods to test iron levels again :think: hope its rose since the last one but shall see...

Forgot to take a wee sample though :oops: so that didnt get tested lol..

blood preasure is up a little from last check at 100/60 so thats looking good..

Having another scan in 2 weeks to check growth etc... measuring 30 weeks so i have shrunk thank god..

So all is good.. nnext appointment 30/05
Hope it all goes ok for you and you can get booked in with the physio etc.

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