Been docs


Well-Known Member
Jan 5, 2010
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Hi there,
thought id leave some update about some of the recent posts ive made, ive not been on much so thought id make a post :).

As some people may have read that ive been suffering on an off bleeding since 2008 so my doctors finally say she thinks its hormoaned based so i didnt want the implant cos it made bleeding/irregular periods worse. I wouldnt want the coil an i cant go on the injection :( so my only option is the pill.
Im not tryin for babies so thats a good thing bout being on the pill.
Its just to help me with regulate them again as they were depressing me.

I struggle really badly to take the pill i manage to swallow them whole but i still feel like there bein lodged in my throat i drink loads after cos i think i still feel it but i dont know if thats me in the head that its there and not going down properly as ive had phobia bout gettin them down me lol :roll: ive managed to take them every time i take them it takes 3 times to finally go down grr lol.

She said that i could crush them but im being a goodie an tryin to do it properly poss to confront my fear but i hate taking them of the effects afterwards when ive swalllowed it lol.

Any way ive got to take them for 3 months an then to go back and see how im getting on and so far ive been on them 4 days but i was about off bleeding before i took them an i dont know how long the pill takes to settle them down. Hopefully i dont get to see more blood in a hurry. If they dont work id be back at the docs again lol.

Thought id update on meself as been so tired lately.
Hope everyone is well :D x
The pills I had were tiny when I was on hun. I know my little sis ter hates pills too I am no fan but hate if it works I'll swallow it x Hope you get better periods soon, as for me I went for the patch no pills no farting about everyday and just change it once a week maybe ask about that? x
They said the patch wouldnt help me with the hormoanes which they didnt even let try that. docs r pretty useless at times x
does anyone know how long the pill gets into sytem of your body? x
think its seven days as last time I was on it think doctor said use condoms for at least then to cover yourself
Well there ya go ive tried for 5 days and spewed up all on me floor an tried to reach the bathroom for the next lot to come along but only reached the kitchen :(.
How ive said that i feel the tablet feels like its lodged in me throat when managin to swallow it i used to have to stay awake for about an hour for it to settle. I took it with water an for the last few days ive managed to keep the tablet down but tonight it just wouldnt stay down.
Im now guna go back to the doctors but dont think they'd recommend anything else.
I really tried with the tablet but after tonight i feel ill :'( im dreading my periods coming back with a vengance anytime soon x

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