

Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2008
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When DD was born she slept at about 2/3am for the first month or so. It's been about 2 weeks and her bedtime has come down to anywhere between 10pm-1am. When she sleeps she usually lasts about 6 hours before she wakes for her feed.

I know 10pm is still late and i am so determined to reduce her bedtime. I was wondering how i should go about doing that. And what tme would be the best time for her to sleep.

Some say that a bath settles the baby and makes her sleep well, but i've heard that you shouldnt be bathing baby everyday. Is this true?

Any advice would be great. Thanks. xxx
we wash Logan every day (plus top and tail) yep its prob a bit much for a new born but as they get older it ok. If you are in a hard water area it is more of an issue as it dries the skin and they have quite sensitive skin anyway.

up to you, you are her parent.

To get her bedtime down, just bring the time you put her to bed by 15 mins every few days, it will be so gradula she prob wont even notice.

I started a bedtime routine with Maia when she was about 8 weeks old.

At about half 5 hubby used to take her upstairs and have some nappy off time with her and generally have a bit of a play about in her bedroom then he would either bath her and get her ready for bed or he would top and tail her and get her ready for bed. We would always play a lullaby CD when she was getting dressed for bed and now she knows its her cue for sleep time, in fact I cant put it on now until she's ready for her boobie feed or else she starts to whine cause she's tired and knows its bed time. Once dressed for bed she has a story and then I feed her usually at 6:30pm and put her straight down in her cot and turn the cd off and her mobile on. Nowadays I feed her anytime between 6:30pm and 7:30pm but back then always 6:30pm and she was usually down in her cot for 7pm. At first it took her a while to settle sometimes I'd be in and out of the bedroom to put her dummy back in and sometimes she would cry and just wouldn't drop off to sleep so me and hubby took it in turns to stand in the bedroom and rock her till she was asleep then put her down, she nearly always woke up. Sometimes she would just fall asleep and other times she would start to cry so it was back to square 1 with the rocking.

Now she definitely knows when her bedtime is and she's always in bed for 7:30pm no fuss.
We have no 'set in stone' bedtime for LO. This is because he naps irregularly throughout the day so i have no way of knowing when his last 'nap' will be. Therefore if it falls about 6pm, he generallygoes to bed about 9pm or if his last nap falls before 6pm he will generally go to bed at 8pm. Although i would love a set bedtime for him it isnt possible just yet x

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