Putting baby to bed at night

Gemma & Jake

Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2006
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I am just interested to know your bedtime routines. I bath Jake every night but although he goes down every night at about 10pm and sleeps all night I rock him to sleep and then put him in his moses basket already asleep. I am starting to think that I should be putting him down awake and letting him fall asleep on his own. What do you think?
iu have no routine as such. i bath rachael at night if i have the time other wise it will be in the morning when ive got the kids to bed or even in the afternoon. i don't bath her daily.
i feed Rachael when i can between 4.30 and 6.30 solids. Then i get the other children ready for bed and off to bed for 7.30. Rachael will want a breastfeed after her solids and is usually in her moses basket upstairs in our room by 8pm :D

she wakes at around 11pm for a feed but im thinking its us disturbing her when we go to bed and then maybe once more at about 5.
She sleeps with us after she wakes at 11 :roll:

COnal has a bath every other night has a Rusk and a quick cuddle and put to bed normally half awake for about 7.30 if he cries he cries in his moses basket and we just put his dummy back in he cried for the first 2 times and now just lies awake if not asleep they soon learn the routine don't let them fool you they knoe more than we think :)

We used to put Willow to bed asleep and as she has gotten older it was a nightmare so we had to then get her into a new routine now she walks herself in after her bottle at about 7.30 and normally sings and talks herself to sleep.

Hiya hun we bath Ellie every other day some times in the morning but sometimes before bed. I get her undressed for bed at 7 and she has her last bottle of 8oz at 8pm i wind her then out her to bed she is usually awake turn the light off and she goes to sleep on her own. She now sleeps from about 8.30-9.00pm till 6-7am in the morning. I would suggest putting him to bed when he is asleep so as he gets older he doesn't need rocking to sleep. Hope this has helped.
Rowan has tea at 5pm then we play until he goes in the bath at 6pm. Then its out and into night clothes, bottle downstairs and then up to his cot awake. I've been putting him down awake since he was 2 weeks old and now he loves going in his cot at night. He's so tired bless him. I give him a kiss whisper night night and thats it, very rarely do we get any problems. A routine has certainly helped him settle :D He's asleep by 6.40 latest and that leaves an hour before my elder goes to bed and she loves that special time. She adores her little brother but it is nice to have her to ourselves before she goes off to bed :D
alfie has his tea (solids) at 4pm, he has a rusk afterwards to occupy him for an while as he starts getting moody when he's tired. Goes up for his bath at 5pm, has 10/15 mins splashing about and getting a good wash, then at about quarter past gets out the bath gets dried off, has 10 mins of baby massage, then by half 5 he is all in his pjs and nice and clean has his bottle which takes 10 mins and whether hes asleep or not goes down in his cot and sleeps through (normally) till 5am, wakes for a feed and a nappy change and goes back to sleep till 8am, then gets up for his brekkie!
Miracle babe said:
Rowan has tea at 5pm then we play until he goes in the bath at 6pm. Then its out and into night clothes, bottle downstairs and then up to his cot awake. I've been putting him down awake since he was 2 weeks old and now he loves going in his cot at night. He's so tired bless him. I give him a kiss whisper night night and thats it, very rarely do we get any problems. A routine has certainly helped him settle :D He's asleep by 6.40 latest and that leaves an hour before my elder goes to bed and she loves that special time. She adores her little brother but it is nice to have her to ourselves before she goes off to bed :D

Same here MB, Ruby has done this since first week, she has a 4oz bottle at 5pm we play with her, then bath, baby gro and a small top up bottle of around 2-3oz at around 6.15pm. She used to fall asleep on me, but now she wont settle unless I put her sraight into her moses basket!!! She is awake, I tuck her in and kiss her, say "Night night" and leave the room (she is in her own nursery too...) We watch her on tv monitor-she stays awake cooing and wriggling for up to an hour but never cries, its like she is unwinding..then she crashes out!!!! We wake her to feed again at 11pm and then she either wakes at 3am-4am or sleeps through (she has for the last 12 nights!! :cheer: ) At 7am ish she wakes and gurgles and cooes till we go in to wish her a good morning, always rewarded by a big grin!!!! We are dead lucky, she seems soooo contented xx
Jamie lives by the 3 B's - Bath Boob Bed!!!
i pretty much let him tell me what he wants, he will have his dinner before we do then play, then we are done its off for a bath and when hes out hes put in his jammies, boob in his mouth, feed for about 20mins or so then he nods off! :sleep:
i dont have a solid routine like some of u mummies, yes it would be nice but i dont think im doin too badly? :think:
Logan has a bath at 6 then a little massage before having a bottle feed and then when he is dopey we put him in his cot usually by 730. Sometimes he falls asleep sometimes he needs some help unwinding ( rocking or a dummy) The last 3 nights he has slept through till 8am! but normally he would wake at midnight and at 4/5 for a feed.
I bath Jacob at 8pm, he has a bottle (usually 6oz) and then falls asleep on me as we have to keep him upright for 20 mins due to his reflux. I then place him in his moses basket at around 9pm asleep. He wakes at 5am for a breast feed and then sleeps until 8:30am/9am. I love having a bedtime routine because it makes me feel like I know what I am doing :D but I am worried about him not falling asleep on his own when he is older.
Kate is 18 weeks old now and since about 7 weeks she has had a bath about 6 then a bottle then bed. She goes to sleep between 6.30 - 7 ish and i give her a bottle about 10 ish to top her up. She was sleeping through till 7 in the morning as well but over the last week or so she is waking about 3 for a feed. I am a bit obsessive about her routine at night but it seems to work well for us although it does mean I am in every night from 5pm at the latest, no taking her out anywhere! I find she is pretty sleepy after her bedtime bottle and I put her down semi awake and she just goes off to sleep.

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