Bedtime help!

We have found day time naps to be the key to a good nights sleep too,meh has morning nap 2hours after waking and then after lunch nap then long nap in afternoon usually 2hours.

We also have a slumber bear which is good, johnsons bedtime bath we use every night, harrybhas really settled down over the last 3 weeks, down to him more than anything we have done though

Good luck
I can only tell you what i do but every baby is different and it may not work with all babies.

Firstly i Formula feed, so her last bottle is at 7pm. Before her bottle i play with her on her little gym mat thingy for about 20 min then i bath her (everynight) and play with her again for about 15/20 min, i've introduced a few bright coloured toys in the bath and a musical toy which she loves the sound of in the bathroom.

After her bath i feed her, her bottle straight away. By the time she is finished she is half asleep. I lay her down in her crib with her musical mobile on (tiny love mobile is the best thing ever) and she goes to sleep by herself with her dummy. She doesn't take her dummy at all in the day, just in the evenings/at bedtime.

Hope you find a routine that suits you, all the best xx
I too use bath bottle bed, if you have seen my other thread she has home from sleeping usually 4/5 hours then awake every 2 after that, to 8 hours straight the last 2 nights, hoping to make it 3 tonight lol. Worth persevering with the bath hun x

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Well yesterday we stuck to having a nap Every 2 hours but because of how that worked out we did bath at 7 with the aim of him being asleep for 8

It worked.... Until he kept waking up with tummy troubles (he's quite windy and in gripe water). However we kept persevering and he finally fell asleep fully by around 9.15

But he was easier to resettle

He's just woke now for a feed so has done just over 6 hours. Fx he'll go back down ok
You'll get there my lovely. I've noticed E's wind has been MUCH better in the last week, and she went down at 9.15 last night and I'm currently waiting for her to wake up, bottle ready and everything!!
ooh get you helly welly all organised!!

Well he went back of and woke around .40 so daddy changed his nappy before he left for work then i fed him

WE're currently downstairs eating breakfast (me!!) and hes chillin in his swing!
I am a bad mummy! E finally woke up at 7.15, she has just knocked back 6 oz and I've put her back in her cot hoping she'll go back off so I can go and get a shower!!! So far it's working!!
He he like your plan Helen!!

Well Harry's deviated from the plan already. He had his nap early and is on another feed now.... But we are going to mums and that's a 40 mins away.

Not risking a crying Harry in the car!!

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