Bed time, what time?

Izzy5400 said:
finlay wont settle before midnight :(

Leorah is the same :roll: She'll have naps in the living room in the evening and then DH feeds her a bottle of EBM at 11/12pm (depends if they have fallen asleep!) then she goes down in her cot in her room. She still has digestion problems so I will wait for this to pass and then try and get her in bed earlier. Once in bed she can go up to 5 hours and then wakes up 3 hours later again but this is 6/7ish so I don't mind.
I breastfed Jacob till he was 6 months old, would have liked to carry on for longer but couldn't extract enough milk for him while I am at work. While he was being breastfed we didn't have any sort of routine, it would be really difficult to settle him and he didn't stay asleep for long at all, usually waking every 2/3/4 hours. Since Jacob has started to have solids and the bottle he is so much better and happier :) He has a long sleep during the morning and another during the afternoon and he now goes to sleep at 7.30pm and sleeps right through till 5am :clap: Well done Jacob :dance:

Louie goes down for the night any where from 10/11 pm just after he has his last feed, this works for us, but as he gets older he will gradually go up earlier, he goes through until 6/7 am, but we all have to get up early for school anyway so thats not a problem.

my other 2 kids say its nott fair that Louie is the youngest but stays up the latest!!!!
Mark goes to bed between 9- 10 but hopefully as he gets older this will gradually get earlier ( he is 3 months) usually sleeps til around 6 am :D
Alfie is really good, i take him up to his room at five, bath him, put a new nappy on and his pj's and he has a 7 oz bottle with a sprinkle of baby rice and he sleeps stright through till seven. :dance: but he doesnt sleep in the day much a dose here and there but he just plays alot, lie him on the floor hell kick about for hours, he loves it, especially without his nappy
Charlie has gradually bought his bedtime forward on his own. He used to go bed at midnight, and still wake to have a feed at 2am. Then he slowly brought his feed forward to about 9pm, then suddenly he dropped the 2am feed. His last feed is now getting earlier and earlier. It was 6.55 tonight when he wouldn't go any longer, so by the time he had his bottle, then got changed into pj's and sleeping bag, it was 7.30. And I can guarantee he won't wake till 6am! :dance:

I like him to wake at 6am so I can feed and change him before getting Kayleigh up at 7, then taking her to school at 8.
Amanda said:
Charlie has gradually bought his bedtime forward on his own. He used to go bed at midnight, and still wake to have a feed at 2am. Then he slowly brought his feed forward to about 9pm, then suddenly he dropped the 2am feed. His last feed is now getting earlier and earlier. It was 6.55 tonight when he wouldn't go any longer, so by the time he had his bottle, then got changed into pj's and sleeping bag, it was 7.30. And I can guarantee he won't wake till 6am! :dance:

I like him to wake at 6am so I can feed and change him before getting Kayleigh up at 7, then taking her to school at 8.

That sounds promising! leorah dosn't go down properly for the night unti at least 10pm. We try making it earlier but she just isn't ready even if she naps on and off until then. We are hoping as she gets older she will be ready for bed earlier :pray:
Isaac goes to bed around 7ish now. It used to be 8 but he brought it forward himself to 7pm.

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