BCG scars


Well-Known Member
Nov 23, 2010
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Just wondering how these are? I've seen terrible awful marks on babies' arms, bright red and really noticeable. Is there any way to prevent it? Lessen it? Arthur's got his on Wednesday. Do they get better looking over time? Is this jab worse and more painful than the others? X
Jacob wasn't bothered by the BCG injection at all, was a bit grumpy after it but that's about it, at first he had a little red dot on his arm for ages as he got his done at 4 weeks but the last 3 weeks or so it had turned into a big red lump but the bigger it gets the better I was told, means it is working well, I was told it will pop and leak some puss ewww and then will just leave a little scar, Jacob's hasn't popped yet but it has a yellow head on it now so I think it's going to pop any day!

Looks like this at the moment:

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What a cutie :)

I wish I'd got a's done earlier, but thR waiting lost was sooo long!!
My lo hasn't had to have this but when I had it it as a teenager i had nothing then about 6 wks later itdid look like that and then popped but I had a reaction (hence the reason for the delay in getting the lump) and have a bigger scar than most of my friends. Wasn't painful or anything though!
I remember them doing them at high school - and everyone's was red and sore. I had mine as a baby and at 13 mine looked like a chicken pox scar - a little white mark iykwim - you'd only see it if you know where it is. Xxx
When do they have these then though the vaccine was when in secondary school like we had??? x
My lo has hers Done a nine weeks and it took ages to react but it's completely faded now unless you look for it, sorry can't remember when!
We've got ours on Thursday and I'm dreading it!! At least it should be healed by summer! We can compare if you like?

I'm glad the scarring will eventually fade. They look so angry on poor little babies skin!
When do they have these then though the vaccine was when in secondary school like we had??? x

Used to be like that but they have stopped doing them in schools and like you have them done as soon as possible as TB is on the high risk list at the moment where I am, as far as I know not all babies are getting them, depends where you live, that's what I was told anyway and as I live in London I had to have it done.
Nothing been mentioned about my LO getting one. Hmmmm?
I had mine done in senior school and don't have any scar or mark at all. My Lo hasn't had his done, as we haven't had any letters/notice regarding it xxxx
Jacob rolled today and his one burst, was sooooooooooooo gross, green puss came out of it (turns green looking at it) but the lump has started to go down, still has a scab on it but it's getting there :oooo:
OMG i'm actually a bit shocked that babies are getting this :shock:

We got it as teenagers & had to get skin tests first (bit of skin taken from inside elbow)

I'm glad they dont do that here with babies. But i'm glad your LO is ok now, that looks like a sore one.

why have I never had this shot, Is everyone meant to have it :/ I'm 18 and still haven't had it
M had it done at 2 weeks...I'm in Ireland and they are done ASAP after birth.
It's always been Like that here. No lumps or bumps yet tho.
I missed mine as I wasn't on the list at school and didn't tell them. Do want it doing as my great grandparents died of TB. Tyler's having his tomorrow and I'm DREADING it!


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