BBT confusion :(


Apr 30, 2012
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Morning all

I am thoroughly confused by BBT. I have been taking my temp daily since a day after my last period finished. It was quite consistent, I got my +OPK (timed BD at twice just before +OPK, then that night and the next two nights) and then my temp shot up four days after +OPK. However, since about 5DPO I have slept terribly and I keep waking up at least an hour earlier than my alarm. I take my temp at the first time of waking and its quite low, but then I go back to sleep, re-take and its high. However, I know that only the first reading is supposed to count, but, if its an hour early then isn't it wrong anyway?!

I have had cramping at an inceasing level since 5DPO and a heavy/sore chest for the past three days (I am now between 10DPO and 12DPO depending on when I actually O'd). I've also been tired, having weird dreams and as I mentioned, sleeping badly. So, all quite positive signs, its just that the temp thing is driving me nuts!

Has anyone else experienced frustration with the BBT's?

Thanks all!! xx​
Hey I do temps and I sometimes wake up at different times after bad sleep,normally with about an hour difference, but I have still had a clear biphasic temp pattern, when i have ov'd despite that. I don't think it's supposed to vary a hugely significant amount in an hour to affect the overall picture. It's not really about the individual temps but the overall picture so as long as you have a clear temp shift and they stay sustained after ov you should be ok.

Do you have a link to your chart?
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Oh by the way you're supposed to have at least 3 hours sleep before taking temps, so I'd say the first temp you are taking is the more accurate one x
Thanks Timtam :) I don't have a link to my chart unfortunatly - I am tracking it, but on an app on my phone which I can't get to online. In approx summary, I was 36.4/36.5 fairly consistently for the first 10 days I was monitoring. I got my +opk on a day I was 36.4. Then the day after the +opk still at 36.4 then I went to 36.5 then all of a sudden 36.8 so that was all in line with the +opk and it looks like I O'd OK. I had a one day dip right to 36.4 (and also had bad cramps, nausea and tiredness so I wondered if it was an implantation dip - it would have been 5 days post O). Then it went right back up the next day to 36.8 again, but from then my sleep has been so irratic that I have been waking up 4 or 5am (not the usual 6-6:30am, which is when we get up each day), so I take my temp but its often 36.5 or 36.6 and if I go back to sleep, its back to 36.8 or 36.9. I'm just confused as my first wake up time is so irratic now and I have read a lot that for it to be really accurate, you need to wake up the same time each day and (as you mentioned) have had at least three hours sleep.

I'm trying not to get too stressed about it - I still have to get to next Thursday before I am 14dpo at a minimum (which assumes I O'd on the day I got my +opk), so I have days until I can test. I might just stop testing until I know if I am pregnant or not, then start again if I'm not. Might save myself some stress given my sleep is so random!

Thanks so much for your help xx
No worries duck, it is difficult with irractic waking times. I have had my dogs wakes me up to go the toilet quite a lot in the early hours but luckily most of the times it hasn't affected my pattern. Which app do you use and has it detected your ov date?
We get the same some days too - we have a golden retriever who enjoys an early start!! :D

I've just managed to create my chart in FF so here you go....

I have taken the later temps (6-6:30am), rather than the ones v early (4-5am) so that may be a bit off but at least I know they may be a bit squiffy!

Just had a peek. That's weird as it seems to have picked up an ov day but there's no horizontal cover line. I use FF too but never had only a vertical line show up. I've only had 4 cycles myself as I have long and irregular ones.

Is this your first month temping then? If so I'd just go with the flow and give it a couple of cycles to get used to it and hopefully you'll start waking at a more consistent time x
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Ah, I think thats just how I have set it up. It asked if I wanted to use an opk result as the Ov date, so I put that in and ended up with the line. Not sure if thats the right way to do it or not mind you! :confused:

Aaah yeh I thought that after posting my message! I didn't set it up that way because opks can't guarantee ov as they can give a positive result and then the body can be unsuccessful in actually ovulating even though it tries to if you get what I mean. I wouldn't try to over analyse this one if I'm honest duck, (easy to say i know!) perhaps wait and see what happens next month or later this cycle. Have you been on the pill or anything before this?
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Yup, I also wondered about that - showing the signs but no Ov actually happening.

Yes, I was on Micronor (progesterone only pill) for over 20 years and came off last month so I know that may impact my cycle, although so far (if I did actually Ov) its fairly typical. You get AF on the mini pill anyway so I've always been consistent and didn't have any problems whilst on it. Having said all that, I know it may still mess with my system so I am doing my best to be pragmatic. At least, as I understand it, coming off the mini pill is less impactive on your cycle (as opposed to the "normal" pill) so I'm hoping its not left too much of an imprint.
sorry for butting in, by I think you ovulated on DPO1. then the temp on DPO4 is way out and should prob be ignored.
That will then give you a steady temp rise after ovulation which is more what it should be, whether pregnant or not. Temp should start to dip around 10DPO if AF is on her way.

I work shifts so my temps were always taken a hugely different times, but my chart was still clearly triphasic and steady.

<a href="">My Ovulation Chart</a>
I was on Yasmin (also had regular AFs while on it) and came of 9 months ago and my cycles have been totally messed up. Longest 81 days :( I've since found out Yasmin is notorious for this though.

Hope yours end up being pretty normal and aren't as messed up as mine. Good luck and lots of :dust:
Yep it does look like that doesn't it lynds77, but saying that the temps later on we're taken after waking up 1-2 hours before so the sleep was interrupted and probably not that accurate. Xx
Thanks both, I hugely appreicate all the advice :D

Thanks for sharing you chart Lynds - its good to see some real life examples.

I'm sorry Yasmine caused you so many problems Timtam, what a nightmare :(

Looks like I shouldn't worry too much about the temps and just see what happens this week - I'll hold out and not test until the end of the week just to be sure I am well passed DPO14 (assuming AF doesn't land of course!).

Thanks again for the chat:hugs:

hi, im a charter too. have been for a year now. i would say you ovulated on the 28th with a fall back thermal shift. bascially the temps after the day of ov must be higher than the previous 6 temps. the temp on the 20th has dropped back to the coverlien creating the fall back. see these as an example. its totally normal and nothing to worry about.
hi there i am new to this forum and also new to charting bbt too, i sufferred a 12 week miscarriage of a chemical pregnancy in march and had my period exactly 28 days afterwards, began charting my temps take a look at y chart! starting to think it not my month this time as a big dip this morning 10 dpo

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