bailiffs im so scared.


Well-Known Member
Apr 23, 2010
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im in so much shit with money!
I now got to tomorrow to pay 450 if not it goes to court, they wont let me pay abit every month cuz we had a settlement that i didnt stick too.. simply cuz i didnt have the money.
When i first moved to england i didnt know about counciltax, all the letters that came trough my EX bf throwed away and now they cant find him its up to me to pay it. Its been over 1000 but i have payed of more then half of it.
Now the council is taking a % of my wages aswell which is about 150 every month, so thats why i couldnt afford to pay the bailiff the last 2 month.
(since i found out about the counciltax i have been paying it everymonth)

I also got a debt collector on my case that want 1000.. i just called them up and he was really nice thank good. I hate when they sound really angry as im terrified of making phonecalls. (fobia) it takes me forever to make them if i dont know the person im gonna talk to and i cry.
So tomorrow im of to the bank and see if i can take a loan to pay it all of, it would be so nice to get it done and then just pay back to the bank.

The prob is that the bank prob wont give me a loan, i have been with them for nearly 3 years, regular income that get payed in to my account, but a few month ago i asked for overdraft and they said no.. I just dont know what to do if i have to call up again tomorrow and say i cant give them anything..
The first one is worst, they are always so rude..

Im so scared and worried..
what happends if it goes to court?
You probably wont beable to get a loan if you have debts. You have to ring up the companys you owe the money to and agree to pay so much of the bil a month and you can try and get it low as you have a few to pay. If it goes to court you will get more charges put ontop of your debt so its best to ring them and agree to pay so much and explain the situation.

I moved into my flat 4months ago and iv been getting baliffs letters for the person before i had to contact them to tell them that he had moved and had to give them proof i had moved in when i said i did and the previous tenants debts were for council tax aswell for a property that wasnt here. So there is no way of getting around it. i hope you sort it out soon :) x
Go and speak to the citizens advice bureau honey. My OH is in debt which his ex wife got him into and then fucked off. We went to the CAB and they've really really helped us. If it does go to court then you need to go too and explain everything to the judge. Again my OH had to do this and the judge ordered that they had to arrange another payment plan with him-a more reasonable one that could be stuck to. I know how it feels honey, just living with someone who has this is very very scary x x good luck
We are about to lose are house(mortgaged) we owe so much, we have a loan of nearly 20 grand that they want all of it back and that's not all! Its the over draft, the mortgage, credit cards. Its a nightmare!! You do need to go to the CAB. What ever you do don't answer the door to the bailiffs just tell them your seeking advice. I wouldn't get a loan cos you'll be worse off your just getting into more debt. What is it that you owe again? Council tax? You will get a letter for court (not criminal court though) If you don't pay it back but go the the cab and get some help. x
im in so much shit with money!
I now got to tomorrow to pay 450 if not it goes to court, they wont let me pay abit every month cuz we had a settlement that i didnt stick too.. simply cuz i didnt have the money.
When i first moved to england i didnt know about counciltax, all the letters that came trough my EX bf throwed away and now they cant find him its up to me to pay it. Its been over 1000 but i have payed of more then half of it.
Now the council is taking a % of my wages aswell which is about 150 every month, so thats why i couldnt afford to pay the bailiff the last 2 month.
(since i found out about the counciltax i have been paying it everymonth)

I also got a debt collector on my case that want 1000.. i just called them up and he was really nice thank good. I hate when they sound really angry as im terrified of making phonecalls. (fobia) it takes me forever to make them if i dont know the person im gonna talk to and i cry.
So tomorrow im of to the bank and see if i can take a loan to pay it all of, it would be so nice to get it done and then just pay back to the bank.

The prob is that the bank prob wont give me a loan, i have been with them for nearly 3 years, regular income that get payed in to my account, but a few month ago i asked for overdraft and they said no.. I just dont know what to do if i have to call up again tomorrow and say i cant give them anything..
The first one is worst, they are always so rude..

Im so scared and worried..
what happends if it goes to court?

Go to the Citizens Advice, if you can't afford to pay it. You cant give what you havnt got and you will haveto set up a peymnent schedule and stick to it. Don't answer your door hun, just say that you're seeking advice and will be in contact after x
Bailiffs dont have any right to enter your property without your permission. They have to get a warrant. They usually will be really friendly and say "can we come in to talk about it" or something, if you say yes you have given them permission to enter and they will start listing your stuff. Tell them if they want to come in you want to see a warrant. It takes a while for them to organise it so it should buy you some time. Dont ignore it though hun, you have to make those phone calls or you end up paying the court and bailiff fees as well.

:hug: Def go to CAB and get some free advice, dont be tempted by these debt management compainies without discussin it with CAB first x
:( I hope you sort something hun :hug:
so i manage to get an overdraft for 150 which the bailif accepted so i have payed that today!! Andthe give me another chance to stick to my payment plan that is 50 every month. IM SO RELIVED!!

Called the other ppl up that want 1000 and said i have not got anything to give them and they said a paymentplan for 100 a month but i said im sorry cant do. I said 50 every month and he said he would contact the ppl i owe money and then come back to me about it.
He was sooooo nice bless him and im telling you, so sexy irish voice i was chatting away with him haha
Then straight after i called OH up and said to him not to bother about coming around as im moving to irland to marry a man with sexy voice. :D
it feels so much better now.
so i manage to get an overdraft for 150 which the bailif accepted so i have payed that today!! Andthe give me another chance to stick to my payment plan that is 50 every month. IM SO RELIVED!!

Called the other ppl up that want 1000 and said i have not got anything to give them and they said a paymentplan for 100 a month but i said im sorry cant do. I said 50 every month and he said he would contact the ppl i owe money and then come back to me about it.
He was sooooo nice bless him and im telling you, so sexy irish voice i was chatting away with him haha
Then straight after i called OH up and said to him not to bother about coming around as im moving to irland to marry a man with sexy voice. :D
it feels so much better now.

Lol at least the sexy Irish voice helped your nerves. I'm glad you sorted out a payment plan, just try your hardest to stick to it and you will be fine :D just watch your overdraft so you don't occur fees hun xx
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Im so glad you got it sorted, i know how stressfull it can be i was in a similar situation myself a few years ago, its very worrying!!

Once you get them payment plans in place, it gets so much easier and now i'm doing so much better financially

Glad its all working out xxx
ah well done hun, I bet you were so nervous making those phone calls!!! glad you've got the council tax ppl off your back for a while and hopefully the others will agree to £50 per month. PHEW! I love Irish accents too :)
OMG why the hell did you let the bailiff in? You dont have to deal with them, you are quite within your rights to shout fack off at the door. They cannot break in (unless its tax related) however they can use 'peaceful entry' if you leave a window/door open - which they can then use to enter at any time afterwards. But you do not have to deal with them just because they have a court order. I bloody havent. I sent him away and he knew he'd get shit all out of me, and has never come back. I deal with the council only - £10 per month.

But now you've let them in, what ever happens do not fail to keep up your payments otherwise they will let themselves in.
i kinda got myself in the same situation a few years ago, got diagnosed with skin cancer (i had a mole on my chest) that grew in literally 2 weeks, had it operated on.... and they lost the biopsy results to see if it was malignant or benign, i mean how can u loose a sample and then tell me they dont know if it was bad cancer or good cancer?!! FFS!!

but i went crazy n took out 5 credit cards, all with about 3k limits on, literally spent on them for about 6 months, paid for me n OH a fantastic holiday to dominic republic n plenty of clothes etc, then we moved into our first place 2gether n then furnished that aswell, paid all bills on the credit cards and asda shoppin n went out nearly everynight enjoyin life way too much with OH drinkin n new outfits etc...

i then realised that there was no way that i could pay the monthly payments on them all, i was literally taking cash out from one to pay the other off :-( yeh very bad i know!

i then obtained a loan for £10,000 to pay them off..... and paid some off... n then built it up again over a little bit of time, so then had credit cards and a loan to pay off, the loan payments were £350 per month, n 4 credit- card payments of £100 each, n i was only brining home £800, really i should never of been given such high credit, but i kno it was my fault for using it, not theres for giving me it,

at this time i found out that the mole wasnt dangerous and just to keep an eye on anymore i get and they would just operate and whip it off again just incase, what a relief!!!

i then started a new job on a higher wage thinkin that i would be better off then n be able to afford it.... sadly i still couldnt n was advising people on managing there bills and not getting into debts and felt really ambarased that my own finances were is such a mess!!

i contacted payplan n sorted out a payment plan they literally have saved my life, they are a free company who you basically tell them your wages, what your bills are, your creditors account numbers (credit card number, or bailifts numbers etc) and they sorted out with them a payment schedule that is reasonble to my needs.... im now paying £200 per month, towards about £22k worth of debts, il be paying it off for the next 15yrs at this rate, but i am making reasonble payments towards them all so they cant do jack shit,

they review the payments every year, or when u tell them of a change, im gona be paying £50 per month on maternity leave, they get all your creditors to contact them and not you, so no phonecalls letters, door knockers etc,

its basically what citizens advice tell u to do, but they do it for you, i didnt really want to do it on myown, i had phoned them all and got nowhere because i owed so much im guessing but they are there for advise even if u dont go with them,

good luck hun in the future

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its shockingly easy to get into debt and an absolute nightmare to get out of! :wall:

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