Bad Night


Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2006
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Had a really rough night last night.

Tried to settle Maia to sleep at 10.30 pm, at 4 am she was still crying and fussing so we had to resort to going for a drive to get her to drop off. Finally got a few hours of sleep in then.

Its so frustrating and upsetting and I really feel like I'm not coping very well.

Annoyingly she sleeps well during the daylight hours.

I know there aren't any miracle cures or answers, I guess I'm just looking for a bit of moral support really.

Awww hun i know its hard, Hope was like that at her age. Does she sleep in her moses basket during the day? Best thing to do is put her in her moses basket in a quiet room that is quite dark, she will understand that this is bedtime when its like that, i dont thin she will get into a routine for a while because i think i heard they dont differenchiate between night and day till 6 weeks but at leat you are getting her ready for when she sleeps through. If you want to chat feel free to pm me, i understand what your going through :hug:
I'm having the opoosite problem today, my little man will not have a nap, he's yawning and almost falling asleep but wakes up and wants to feed, but I think he's just getting comfort from suckling rather than being hungry. He's being very miserable and i'm sure if he just gave in and had a nap he'd be much happier
aww bless you both, im sure he will fall asleep eventually :hug:
Those first 4/5 weeks are really hard, I remember Libby crying & crying & not wanting to go to sleep, and it broke my heart as she would wail if we tried to put her down, but slowly & surely she did get better.

I think as Mel has said try to make daytimes full of light & noise (so keep TV on etc) and keep the sleeping in the day in the living room or other room you're in, then at bedtime, close the blinds/ curtains, keep your voices lower, no TV, stay in the bedroom, and even during feeds either stay in the bedroom or go into another room but keeping everything low.....I remember getting really frustated with L that she just wouldn't sleep, its natural.....I used to rock her in my arms and I'd be crying thinking pleeeeaaaasssse just sleep.....we took her out in the car one night too.

I promise you it gets better, please try to sleep in the day when baby sleeps it is will slowly learn the difference between day & night.
Emmylou said:
I used to rock her in my arms and I'd be crying thinking pleeeeaaaasssse just sleep.....we took her out in the car one night too.

Sounds familar...

Maia doesn't have a moses basket, she naps in a carrycot during the day and has her normal cot at night. I try and keep it quiet at night but it makes you so sleepy breastfeeding its hard to even keep your eyes open!

Fingers crossed for some sleep tonight. :?
Its called "australian baby syndrome"... cure is moving to australian time zone :)

It does get better hunny :hug:

Try creating a bath boob/bottle bed routine thats what sorted my princess out :)
Miraculously Maia decided to sleep last night... :cheer:

Of course this doesn't mean she will sleep tonight! :lol:

However she is showing signs of being able to sleep for a decent length of time, so I guess that is pretty hopeful.

Oddly, I was supposed to be on holiday in Australia at the very time she was due, maybe she didn't realise we'd cancelled! :D
glad you got a better nights sleep...Try and take a nap in the day if LO is was a godsend to me. I haven't done routine as such with D. i just keep him upstairs at night..don't give him as much fuss at night and he has picked up wether it is day or night now does come slowly slowly i am sure
Hellokitty said:
Emmylou said:
I used to rock her in my arms and I'd be crying thinking pleeeeaaaasssse just sleep.....we took her out in the car one night too.

Sounds familar...

Maia doesn't have a moses basket, she naps in a carrycot during the day and has her normal cot at night. I try and keep it quiet at night but it makes you so sleepy breastfeeding its hard to even keep your eyes open!

Fingers crossed for some sleep tonight. :?

:hug: :hug:

Glad she had a better night, its the first step on the road of better nights, hang in there....she'll click proper soon enough.

I felt sleepy whilst bf'ing and it was hard, but I promise promise promise it won't be forever :hug:

Hope she has another good night promise us if she goes to sleep at 8pm you'll go to sleep at 8pm :D
Honestly it will get better. Jake hardly slept for about 8 weeks and I hated not getting any sleep. Do you think that your little girl might have colic. Jake used to start crying at about 6pm in the evening and not stop until about 3am when we eventually got him to sleep. We gave Jake infacol and he improved within a week. If you don't think she hads got colic then she is probably just adjusting to the world and I assure you it will gradually get better. From about 4 months old Jake has been sleeping through the night and from about 5 months he has been going to bed at 7pm and sleeping through until about 6-7am.
I don't think she has colic, but we have been using infacol for about a week now and it does seem to have helped a bit. I also got a couple of Dr Browns bottles as I am supplementing her breastfeeds with formula and they seem to suit her really well, much less gulping.

I think she has potential to be a really good sleeper in the end, I will try and introduce a routine in a few weeks.
Oh dear...

A pattern seems to be emerging, so far since she has been home we've had 2 good nights, followed by a bad one, followed by 2 good and another bad and now 2 more good ones.

I have noticed that the bad nights co-incide with days where she doesn't really poo.

On the good nights her day time nappies are almost always dirty, whereas today I've only had one dirty nappy.

Has anyone else had this sort of pattern and did it resolve quickly?

Its our first day alone today as DH has gone to Wembley for the Muse gig, and frankly she's been a proper pain in the butt. barely slept more than half an hour and if the pattern is correct she won't sleep all night either.


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